Naphtha fled to the sea near Kiten for a tourist boat incident


Due to a tourist boat incident, oil was leaked to the sea on the south beach in Kiten, BNR-Burgas headphones reported. There are no casualties in the accident

Two teams will send a pollution badessment of the "Directorate of the Basin" and the Regional Health Inspectorate in Burgas. The ship is stuck on the South Beach in Kiten. The captain and his badistant entered the sea to make a test after repairing the craft, but it filled with water and is stuck in a shallow position, said Burgas police. There is a strong smell of naphtha at sea, Georgi Mitov told Bulgarian national radio on holiday in Kiten. "In the morning, when we arrived at the beach, an ambulance and a police car came out, we did not know what had happened, and once in the water, we felt it smelled The rescuers explained that a motor boat had returned and that the oil had run out of water.The blob is moving along. The rescuers have warned us to take small children out of the water so that they do not feel allergy to the skin at the present time. There is hardly anyone at sea. "

We informed the pollution control authorities. By 3-4 hours, they must check on the spot.

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