No state institution checks aquaparks


More stringent safety measures in the water park between Ravda and Nessebar, after falling on a toboggan, led a nine-year-old girl to the hospital. Due to the severe bleeding that the child has received, the prosecution has begun to check. It has turned out, however, that no state institution will check these types of facilities, and tighter rules are hard to follow.

Security measures were beefed up for two of the so-called "acceleration" slides, including the incident on Tuesday. Abandonment is now prohibited to persons under 18, below 1.50 meters. The prescriptions were made by an expert sent by the prosecutor's office. This is the only institution that has named a case investigation. No other state authority was conscious and did not come to see the facilities. Because it turned out, the security control of attractions conducted solely by tour operators, broadcast Nova TV.

The maintenance requirements for the equipment are given by the manufacturer. Therefore, the responsibility for their observance is only in the hands of the owner.
In order to comply with the new rules, saviors rely on the honesty of visitors because it is not advisable to wear an identity card in a swimsuit. At the top and bottom of each slide, employees follow the order of descent and give instructions.

It turns out, however, that despite the safety instructions, a large number of tourists do not respect them and run on the rink with arms and legs open. It is also one of the versions to arrive at the serious incident with the child of Russia.

The investor wants to build the first water park in Sofia. The company "Aquatek", which deals with the construction of aquatic attractions, …

"As we move down the slider, we can no longer control them – that is, it is badumed that every person, using an installation, knows that the instructions given are for their safety "said Silvia Gogova, director of marketing of the aquapark.
Thus, the main concern for health and life remains for the tourists themselves.

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