Our position on the Istanbul Convention remains – we will not support it – Work


PASB's position on the ratification of the Istanbul Convention remains unchanged – we will not support it. That's what socialist leader Cornelia Ninova said at a joint press briefing with the secretary general of the Party of European Socialists, Ahim Post

"With the secretary general of PHS, Ahim Post, we talked about the position of the BSP on the Istanbul Convention. We share the same values ​​against violence against women and children. The Bulgarian Socialists are ready, as we have already done, to submit bills to combat violence against women and children. PASB has already made amendments to the Penal Code and a proposal to create crisis centers in the districts. These proposals have been accepted, including by the other political parties in parliament, "said Ninova.

With regard to the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, our party made its decision at the same time. a meeting of our collective body.


"With mutual We continue with our PES colleagues to work on all issues that are part of our value system – the fight against inequality , poverty, youth politics – we remain in a friendly spirit, despite the different positions we have. on the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, "

" The consequence of the discussions we had throughout the day is obviously one thing, and I will emphasize it: all of us, my own party, and PES We are against violence against women and we will continue to strengthen we have engaged our commitment to fight it violently, "said Ahim Post in turn.

Indeed, the adoption of the Istanbul Convention varies. from one country to another, "he continued," I can tell you how he is in my country, I come from Germany, and we ratified the convention on June 1. " There was not a vote against and no one abstained, all the factions and all the groups, all the parties in the Parliament voted in. There was no big debate in Germany. because everyone was convinced, in general, that we were against violence against women, we will continue to lead this discussion we open with all parts of the PES with one purpose – it is to improve the lives of women and children, said Ahim Post.

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