: Plovdiv under police blockade because of a shotgun (OBZOR) :: Monitor.bg


The blockade of the police at all entrances and exits of Plovdiv literally besieged the city on Sunday because of a gunman. The 35-year-old man was shot dead in Karshiyaka district in Plovdiv

. The signal was filed by the victim on Sunday at 7:30 to 7:30, said the spokesman of ODMV-Plovdiv. that when he left his car in a street of Karshiyaka, he was shot to the feet by an unknown author. The injured person who is criminally exposed is hospitalized. According to initial data, there is no serious injury, but some bullets and no danger to life

After firing, the police

broke the badault zone [19659005] The incident occurred on a small street in the central part of Plovdiv. The scene near the Hitar Peter restaurant has been preserved and a full day of sightseeing. Officials from the Third District Police Headquarters in Plovdiv are working on the case

According to unofficial reports, two masked men were standing in front of the young man's house in ambush. They found shooting with pistols against him

On his car, too

there were traces of bullets

The attackers were supposed to shoot for revenge. Investigators commented that the shooters were not professionals, and that they were probably more likely to be intimidated than murderous because human injuries are mainly in the legs.

The man is fine, there are four injuries in

but there is no injury at first.

He is adequate and moves. Due to the badault on all the entry-exit arteries of Plovdiv, police teams have been deployed. The cops were stalking, stopping the suspicious guys to check. That's what eyewitnesses told Blitz. Police have reported that the wounded are involved in security and criminal activities. The attacker is wanted.

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