Protest in defense of archaeological finds along the Struma Highway Highway


/ CROSS / The second demonstration after May 4 requires the preservation of open-air excavations on LOT-3.1. from the Struma highway took place today in Blagoevgrad

The protesters categorically declared that they are not against the construction of the highway road

"We are here for two reasons – we want to keep our history as it is and we clearly declare that we are not against the construction of the road

Speaking of both problems, we must say that the Mayor / Dr. Atanas Kambitov / was hiding

C was the person who supported and on both sides – the preservation of excavations and the road.

However, he proclaimed a thesis that the protesters and against the road and want that it does not happen.There is no such thing.Our meeting with representatives of the API Tuesday at the mayor's office in the village of Pokrovnik has proved exactly the opposite ", has Councilor Kaloyan Handjiyski

according to him, he There are many variations that were discussed at this meeting. the municipality had to initiate a discussion that we did without it

The API explained to us that we must look for variants together, and we think that there should be more meetings, and the decision previously proposed by a Romanian firm was rejected. some standards that should be "

He explained that two-thirds of the discoveries were still underground, and studies were suspended on July 20.

" I do not believe in the phrase "And the wolf and the whole lamb ". Obviously, civilian energy is lost, there is political pressure

The opinion of some city councilors changed for an hour

The IPA proposed a option to build a retaining wall that is in bondage. % of the excavations and a small part to move.

API is committed to providing funds to talk to the prime minister. I do not know if you know that Dr. Dimitrov's nickname is shovel.

I do not believe in those specialists who change their minds for 24 hours, "said Handziyski

" One of the projects is to change the road from the highway on 2 km to pbad the digs from the stadium to the value of 27 million.Tension came from the mayor – who at the public hearing said – "Choose – either a road or excavations."

We were looking for meetings with the denied district, "said Chief Protector Lazar Andreev

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