Regional Hospital – Plovdiv can stay without electricity from July 9


A free trader wants to exclude the power of the Plovdiv Regional Hospital, announced by "Electricity Distribution South", which is to the ЕNN group.

The request for "Distribution Electricity South" to disconnect the power supply of the University Hospital 9 July .
The reason – accumulated liabilities of electricity . According to the Energy Act, "Electricity Distribution South" is obliged to execute the electricity supplier's request for the exclusion of the hospital, specified by the distribution company

From there they specify that the official request of the company EDP on June 27, 2018. The trader declared that his client – UMHAT Plovdiv was informed on June 26, 2018 from the date of the stoppage of food

Given the public importance of UMHAT Plovdiv "uto down that the hospital complex draws its energy of a trader on the free market . The UMHAT Plovdiv pays to "Electricity Distribution South" only the prices for the use of the network services of the company, which are regulated by KEVR and are not subject to direct negotiation

From Electricity Distribution South Refers rer with the law are not relevant to the & # 39; Case Study – UMHAT Plovdiv and supplier of & # 39; electricity chosen by & # 39; hospital. They do not badume responsibility for the amount of debt for electricity consumed, the terms and methods of payment, the price of energy agreed, etc., explain the local EDC [19659007]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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