Scouting No. 1, a fan of all things German, has been legitimately inherited by an impressive expert Balkans –


General Dragomir Dimitrov is already preparing a consular activity in Munich, Atanas Atanbadov, 49, took

On Monday evening, all heads of special services and key agents were reunited to send the director of the National Intelligence Agency. ) Dragomir Dimitrov and meet his successor Atanas Atanasov

There is no logical information of this discreet gathering. It is only understood that President Rumen Radev signed the two decrees – for the release and the appointment, which gave the green light for the change of the booth in the Bulgarian intelligence. A few hours ago, the state agency received the second decree by which Atanbadov was already officially the 1st intelligence officer in Bulgaria

Probably somewhere in the archives of the special services, the date of July 23, 2018 will remain the last day of work of General Dragomir Dimitrov. A fan of all-German, from iron discipline to cold beer, will be inherited by an impressive expert on the Balkans.

Change is calm and transparent –

both are

[19459] known among his colleagues, that their silence outside, outside of the agency, compensates with quality information to help the state

intelligence intelligence and economic security are sent to 57 addresses in Bulgaria – President, Prime Minister, Vice President, Ministers, Attorney General, National Agency for National Security, Defense Authorities, Ministry of Defense. Interior …

Atanas Atanasov,, was made personally by the Prime Minister. Nearly a year, Boyko Borissov is looking for a decent MP at Dragomir Dimitrov at the Intelligence Agency

What is the general's general and his successor?

Career scouts with a difference of age of 10 years. Dimitrov is 59 years old and Atanbadov 49.

Born outside the capital – the former intelligence officer No. 1 is from the Pavlikeni region and the current director of the National Agency intelligence was born in Asenovgrad. They both have two children

the time


Superior [19659004] Education

The first began studying Bulgarian philology at the University Veliko Tarnovo "St. St. Cyril and Methodius", but he graduated as a German philologist

The second is a high school officer "Vasil Levski" military studies, specialty "Radio Intelligence"

Atanas Atanbadov, in addition to being the namesake of Atanas Atanasov he works in a team of politicians, works in intelligence since 1995 and was responsible for an operational intelligence unit in the Balkans

. His professional biography mentions the command of the Greek and the use of Serbo-Croatian and Russian

For 100 days he was raised to replace (19659004) For the first time at the peak of his career, two professionals [19659004] succeeded in


Distance from

Dimo ​​Gyaurov, then BSP bet on Brigo Asparuhov, who is now one of the centennial factors. Georgi Parvanov chose Kircho Kirov, who stayed longer in the office but also caused the most serious earthquake for his confidence.

In fact, Kirov, like Atanas Atanasov, was an expert on the Balkans and Albania and Serbia in particular

. In January 2018, Kirov was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment in two cases for misappropriation of information

His successor, General Dragomir Dimitrov, never allowed himself to speak publicly about this scandal which has discredited the special services.

Security experts who follow the processes of the National Intelligence Agency recognize and appreciate Dimitrov's efforts to restore authority and

to return quietly

can be seen but not recognized at meetings in various embbadies. For example, the diplomats of the Arab world are some of the people who have often spoken to the general about the dangers of the world today

Dimitrov is not only the first director of the DAR appointed by the decree of the President Rosen Plevneliev, but also one of the ideologues of the agency that was pbaded in parliament in October 2015.

Then the information went from the subordination of the head of state to the Prime Minister Minister. The new law on DAR requires the agency to provide the same amount of information to three people in the presidential, parliamentary and prime minister

In one of the verbal duels in parliament between the deputy DSB Atanas Atanasov and Boyko Borissov, the prime minister laconically, but he makes clear that he "trusts Drago Dimitrov" for his professional decisions.

No one can stop the political stupidity like that of Tasko Ermenkov of the BSP, who donated the intelligence number 1 in 2017 with a second cousin – Dimitrov recalled that he was born in Pavlikensky and that Borisov was 240 kilometers from this place in Bankya

The general's colleagues, whose career began in Veliko Tarnovo, promised to send to Ermenkov the family tree of Dimitrov in order to

19659004] 19659004] 1965


was launched in


Labor Day

– December 31st. The Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior, Boyko Borissov, arrives in Veliko Tarnovo and informs six regional police chiefs during an informal briefing.

Local journalists remember Borisov, who was then a member of the National Intelligence Service.

In the ancient capital, one still remembers the strikes against the auto-mafia when a former chief of the traffic police of Tarnovo was attacked registration of luxury cars stolen abroad and announced by Interpol. He was confiscated a dozen limousines with re-numbered numbers. A case of hundreds of thousands of dollars with cotton from the state reserve has been revealed. Under the leadership of Dimitrov, a extortion plan of a Turkish merchant with warehouses in the former capital was also broken. One of the first impressive VAT drains was arrested by the Turnovo police at the time

Dimitrov made for the first time an album of the main characters of the local crime and dangerous bandits and illuminated their faces in front of the media





most for the public image

of the agency


in 2016, it is done as the intelligence of the big world, and today we can find an unusual "Intelligence is not a simple profession, but a major cause that you devote to your life. "

Our work is not limited to the concept of "work day" … Our job requires complex knowledge, high professional and personal qualities, idealism and patriotism. In this responsible and exciting work succeed the best. If you believe in being one – see how you can be part of the DAR team. "

When close friends describe Drago Dimitrov, they emphasize his talent

quietly without

making noise around


remarkable things

This is why the news that the head of the state intelligence agency is preparing a consul general in Munich is seen as a new step towards the fulfillment of the general's wish … back to diplomacy

more than 10 years old, he was already part of the team of Ambbadador Meglena Plugchieva in Berlin.A week ago during a closed session, the government approved the new appointment and Drago Dimitrov therefore highlights another successful career in special services

Tsvetan Tsvetanov, chairman of the internal commission to parliament: two professional appointments without political transactions

The election of General Dragomir Dimitrov in 2012At the head of the intelligence service and the new selection of successor Atanas Atanbadov as director of the National Intelligence Agency, are two professional appointments that were made without political transactions.

And it's a real state-of-the-art behavior! The Prime Minister, who asked and appointed a professional, and the president approved the election without any consultation

I know General Dimitrov since 2001, when Boyko Borissov was chief secretary of the Ministry of the Interior. Interior and that I worked in his team. At the time, he was a Bulgarian intelligence official. Borisov completed the regional leadership of the interior and offered Dragomir Dimitrov to Veliko Tarnovo, where he studied and worked. His experience in intelligence operations, team work, has helped to jointly conduct successful operations with police departments in Gabrovo, Pleven, Rousse

General Dimitrov is known for his silence and his public appearances limited. At the same time, he worked very effectively with Euro-Atlantic partners and third parties

. During the National Security Advisory Councils, General Dimitrov presented extensive badyzes and information on critical situations in the world, contributing to

Sister Vanya Antonova, President of Pavlikeni City Council: [19659004] Dragomir is very tolerant and patient, not nervous, aggressive. He is very responsible and diligent. He was like a student as a student. It's getting into the profession.

We had a happy childhood with our grandmothers. Our parents are alive and he comes to see them when it is possible. From a child, he wanted to be a policeman and scout, pursue his dream and reach his peak in special services.

It is now time to devote myself to other things, and I know that it will do it. It's something conscious, it may be natural to take one step further in your life, because the diplomatic career is something very different: traveling, communicating with a lot of people, helping them simply move the center. I hope that the tension in the new position is lesser. His work is very tense especially for someone who does it responsibly.

Rector of the University of Veliko Tarnovo Professor Hristo Bondzolov:

With Dragomir together, we began to study Bulgarian philology at the University Veliko Tarnovo. He then transferred German philology. We had a lot of good times together – we were young, bohemian, we did a lot of bullshit, so friendships were built that way – we spent a lot of time together and it took us years to maintain close relationships.

Our roads were separate, but the general never broke the link with the university. He soon took part in fundraising campaigns for the construction of the university's temple.

I think his appointment is a good end to a good career and the beginning of something new – diplomacy. However, he is a specialist in German. He worked in Germany, well prepared

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