Seven mysteries for Vasil Levski


Levsky is our Christ. The Apostle is the Savior of the Bulgarians by the secular weight. Bearers of enlightenment that they are not slaves in the empire of Stamboulis sultans. Jet Crusader and Leader of Freedom. Because of this we have it today!

The life of Jesus is made of sacraments. So it is with the life of Vasil Levski. We do not know when he was born or where he was buried. He sought a girl in his beloved. Did he have doubles on endless roads? Treachery or chance is the way to his Golgotha ​​

1. Birth

The family of Vasil Levski comes from the village Karel of Kochmalare, today Father Paisievo. There lived Dragoi, who had a son, Vidioul, with an heir of the Baptist. He is the father of another Vidin and Toudur

In 1793, Toudur rewrote "The History of Slavonian-Bolgarian" and adds the family chronicle to the fields. He notes that his father was hanged in Constantinople for conspiring against the Sultan. The Turks killed his brother in Plovdiv and his hands were cut by the Turks.

"In 1812, the plague broke us," says the chronicler, "the Turks took my niche and beard, my mouth groaned, From Tomah's Sunday to Ignatius, I was in the badembly d & rsquo; Edrene's sword was for Sabri Bey of Felibe killed, who killed our Kunchuu, escaped to Voyniagovo, and hid himself. "

Kuncho is the grand- father of Vasil Levski. He was a "dyed" complexion, who was also engaged in the wool and cattle trade.

His son Ivan Kunchev inherited the fight at Karlovo. Takes for the bride Gina Karaivanova, with whom she has five children. The second is Vasil, born in 1837, but the date is not known

On the occasion of the dedication of the monument to Sofia in 1895 a family council meets to solve the mystery. It was found that on July 4, Father Ivan was at a wedding, but mother Gina was missing because she was expecting a child. The Council agrees that the probable Levski appeared most likely two days later. Thus, July 6, 1837 entered the calendar of the great Bulgarians

2. Loved

There are attempts to make Levski Revival Kazanova. As he built the revolutionary organization, he knitted the love story. He captivated the seduced, and not once, in his stormy biography.

The truth is that the first and last freedom of the Apostle is Evgenia Boyadzhieva. Born as Anne around 1850 in Karlovo, she studied at the local girls' school and became an obedient to Christ Kalofer's Nativity. He accepted the spiritual name of Evgenia

In 1867 Vasil Levski was a flag bearer in the detachment of Panayot Hitov. When we come down from the Balkans, she looks at the girl. Black hair and bright eyes capture the hero of the forest

Levsky writes in his notebook: "Goodbye, my dear, who knows if you'll see me alive? But, my dear, you will not forget me if I get killed … "

Evgenia saw the capture and destruction of her beloved After the uprising in April, she helped Lady Emily Strangford organizing hospitals for the victims During the Russian-Turkish war, Balkan pbades and goes to Tarnovo, where he sews clothes for the refugees.After unification in 1885, he was the president of the society "Milosardie" in Karlovo.

In the life of his life the first and last freedom of Vasil Levski literally hungry.Breat the exhaustion through the tragic for Bulgaria 1913

3. The duplicates [19659002] The conspiracy theory claims that near Sofia is hanged a double of Vasil Levski.Phantasmagoria, but the apostle had indeed biological copies.Two mislead the Turkish police trying to catch him

Vasil Ivanov of Elena village of Bebrovo was like a twin In 1870, he was in commercial affairs at Vratsa. As they measure, the zapthies push him instantly into the couch. During Vidin, the counterpart was sent to Ruschuk, where they decided to sue him

Elena was asked by the authorities if they knew the person in question. Vbadil releases the rope because the Muddur declares that there are no rebels in this region of Chorbadji

After the theft of Arabachanka in September 1872, the portrait of the & ac Arab Arab Arab Arab,,,,,,, authentic Levski was exposed by cities and villages. The first are invited to contemplate the photo. "Have you ever seen him and his mercy somewhere?" Asked the heat.

Excesses of bbad committees recognize him in the village of Harsovo and immediately put his pains. The detainee was brought to Sofia where it turned out that the similarity was only external. The fake Levsky was a shoemaker and a shrapnel dealer, and in addition, a Turk – he was Osman.

4. Caterers

There is no evidence that Pop Krustyo Nikiforov betrayed the apostle to Bulgarian freedom. He, however, takes the sin of the most ugliest publication in our national history.

Absorbs the guilt of the destruction of Vasil Levski and personifies treason in general. His name is a national synonym for a traitor, as in the biblical plan of Judah

In the shadow of the journalist are black and frank souls like Ivan Lilov Furnadzhiev. He is the secretary of the Revolutionary Committee Teteven. Faced with the investigation commission on the burglary of Arabanon, Ivan also says what he does not ask. The minutes of the interrogation testified to his efforts to deserve the title of Doctor

for Vbadil Levski

"Who is Vbadil, the comrade of Dimitra, and where is he?", Asked the comrades compared to General Dimitar. "He's from Karlovo," Ivan reported. – Change his name every week. He is of medium height, light brown mustache, red face, and when he speaks, his only tooth shows a little outside, slightly lifts his lips and his eyes are big and colorful. "

" Are these the words you uttered? above are registered? Do you have any other information? Will not they tell you to offer a service to the state? ", The Murac Nursed the Turks

" At the service of the state I knew, "I say. My burned words are true. Myself, I gave you the work of the committee to merit the merit of a donor, "the Bulgarian is baptized and puts the last point:" Reward me, that's what I want! Here, I publish! "

5. Russia

Only one force was able to save Vasil Levski The great power of Russia did nothing to rid it of the gallows, because the secret revolutionary organization does not exist. Was not the blessing of the empire

"All this is the work of a former deacon, Vasily Levsky, a cartel that crosses Bulgaria for 3-4 years to claim that 39, there is a committee that prepares the liberation of the Bulgarians lied to many to lead it, "writes Nayden Gerov.Russian Viceconsult to Plovdiv, as every diplomat is a secret scout

When Levski was captured and brought to Sofia, Gerov immediately handed over to his chief in Edirne. "His Excellency Ivan Ivanovich congratulated him on January 8, 1873." Eslije and Levskogo said, "It's my sir, I was in love with others, 19659002] " Where do you know Levski, do not you know? – Ivanovich asks on January 17 – Bedzin Bolgare falls with similar gentlemen of the lobushka, without any hope in the boudushm, at the last minute in Siúj Minutu, vnynosяt несчастия. "

Translation" hunting "is the" trap "of Vasil Levski where the sick come in. Without hope for the future, because hope only brings Russia. It will free us for take us back to the Gardenia of Zdunadaya

6. The funeral

After the capture at Kakrinsko hip Levski was interrogated in Tarnovo, then in a covered wagon he was taken to Sofia The convoy arrived on December 30 1872. The detachment was left behind by the infamous Yordanka Filaretova

The apostle pointed General Dimitar for a renegade he did not emit, but called himself a "servant" of the revolutionary committee. "Because the committee has said," writes Filaretova, "that its purpose is not a counter-revolution. not against the king, but against his officials, who did not execute exactly the king's commandments, and worked until they had an opportunity to appear before the king and him. report all the abuses in his country, with a speech wanting the execution of Hatihumanu. "

It is a sultan's decree of 1856 that hypocritically guarantees the equal rights for Muslims and Christians in the Empire.

Vasil Levski was sentenced to death and hanged at dawn on February 18, 1873. He was buried in the cemetery.Criminals.According to the memory of the people during the night, the patriotic Bulgarians rebuilt the body in the altar of the church "St. Petka Samardzijska "In 1956 archaeological excavations found a mysterious skeleton there.It was easy to know if it was Levski.According to the information of the traitor Ivan Furnadzhiev with this tooth" showing a little outside. "[19659002] The archaeologist Stamen Mihailov performs another betrayal in Bulgarian history.Nie the remains of the apostle and throws them in the trash.With this decisive gesture closes the mouth of the opponent

7. The Church

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church refuses to illuminate the memory of the Apostle of Liberty Vasil Levski commits a sinful murder and does not allow the … There is no place in the sky, the blacks plead. "St. However, Tsar Boris, who killed the Proto-Bulgarian intelligentsia, had it!

In August 1872, Levski s & # 39; He was sneaking into the house of the Huntersman Chorbadji Dencho Halacca to punish him, they wanted help from the diocesan exterminators, and he was training the s comrades.

With his companion, the apostle hides and waits for Halakha. For trouble after midday comes his servant. The young man starts crying for help. Then Levsky jumps and catches him with a dagger. The victim is Stoicho Girginov, 24 years old

"It's a shame for the innocent boy, but if it was not the case, it would have been stained in many countries," Levski told reporters. Lyuben Karavelov. absolutely. "

This murder elevates the deacon's consciousness to the gallows, before he was executed, he confessed to Pop Todor." He was cool, but he was crying a little (his eyes were filling with tears) . He acknowledged that he had killed the boy in Lovech, "Zahari Stoyanov, who pulls information from the account.

What the Church refuses to do has already made Hristo Botev in 1875. In a calendar mural against March 9, the poet is

Is this Divas

or his double

The documentary heritage of Vasil Levski has a "photographic sacrament" The so-called image of deacon, whose the authenticity is still not resolved.Has the Levski in the eye of the lens, or his double?

In 1852, Vbadil becomes a novice to his uncle Archimandrite Vasily. man takes a priest clbad at the diocese of Plovdiv from Sofia, is housed in the monastery of Sopot "St. Spas ", ordered in a Georgian rank under the name Ignatius.

The controversial picture was taken of a group photograph taken at the school.It was popularized in the press in 1937 , when a hundredth anniversary of the birth of the Apostle is celebrated.

Below the picture we read: "The only true portrait of the deacon Ignatius – Vasil Levski. The portrait was given to us by the Holy Metropolitan Maximus of Plovdiv. "

Levski with the carpet has adherents and negatives." The anthropologist Prof. Yordan Yordanov is one of the first. "He compares the face with that of the Levsky standard bearer in the Panayot Hitov detachment. and concludes:

"The comparison with the main points and anthropological dimensions (width of the skull, mandibular angle, height of the face, etc.) shows an almost complete coincidence between the two faces. "

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