Substance in toothpaste causes serious illness, millions are already diagnosed – Curious – News about lifestyle, style, diets, fashion


Scientists at the University of Texas discovered that a substance contained in toothpastes and cosmetics could cause type 2 diabetes. Their studies were published in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology [19659002]. Substance is widely used in the food industry and cosmetology because of its whitening property. The properties of titanium dioxide E171 became known in the mid-twentieth century when it replaced harmful lead-based dyes, and in the 1970s, its production became mbadive. From then on, according to scientists, the number of diseases related to type 2 diabetes has quadrupled. For this reason, they believe that this chemical may be a cause of diabetes

To confirm their hypotheses, the researchers conducted a study on eleven volunteers from which they took samples of pancreatic tissue. As a result, titanium dioxide E171 was detected in eight human studies and all had type 2 diabetes. The other three were in good health and the chemical did not show up in their studies.

Thus, the researchers came to the conclusion that titanium dioxide can be one of the substances that can cause type 2 diabetes mellitus. Now scientists want to test their research results for more groups. important people.

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder that is developing with reduced sensitivity To date, more than 422 million people worldwide have diabetes and 90% of them have type 2 diabetes [19659006] (function (d, s, id) {
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