Sun at noon, rain and thunderstorms after Society


Sunny before noon, cloudy around and after noon, with short-term rainfall in many places. Major thunderstorms are expected in separate areas, mostly mountainous, shows the weather forecast of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for July 17.

There will be conditions for hail

Bulgaria It will blow in the moderate wind from the west to the northwest

Temperatures will be in a wider range – the maximum will be 25-26 ° in the north-west, at 33-34 ° in the southeastern regions of the country. The hottest will be in Sandanski

Above the mountains before noon will be mainly sunny. In the afternoon, cloudy and cloudy clouds will form, and in many places there will be brief, temporary and intense precipitation and thunderstorms. It will blow a moderate wind to strong from the west-northwest. The maximum temperature of 1200 meters will be about 22 °, 2000 meters – about 14 °. In the afternoon, there will be a temporary increase in cloud cover, but only in some places, mainly along the south coast, will pbad briefly. Before noon, it will blow to a moderate wind from the west-northwest, which will later be oriented south-west later in the day. The maximum temperatures will be 28-32 °. The temperature of the sea water is 25-27 °. The excitement of the sea will be 1-2 balls

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