The 10 foods that delay aging


Everything we eat affects our skin. Every woman dreams of staying longer. For this purpose, we must take care of our skin both inside and out.

The least processed and packaged foods we eat, the longer the wrinkles stay in time. Harmful ingredients in these foods accelerate the aging process and the accumulation of free radicals in the body, says

The healthy diet necessary for the skin must include a rich variety of fruits , vegetables, fish, nuts and cereals. They all improve not only our appearance and skin, but also the overall health of the body and the immune system

What are the 10 most anti-aging foods, see in the following lines


Sesame is very rich in essential minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and many fibers


No matter which nuts you choose, they are important to the skin because they are all rich in fatty acids, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. They have anti-inflammatory properties that protect the skin from local inflammation, reducing its strength.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is very rich in flavonoids – powerful antioxidants that nourish the skin and fight against free radicals. Flavonoids absorb harmful UV rays and protect the skin from the sun


Blueberries are among the richest in antioxidants. They protect against the influence of free radicals and nourish the skin with vitamin C.


The pineapple is a wonderful source of manganese. This mineral has the property of activating a specific enzyme – prolidase in which the amino acid proline activates the formation of collagen – so important for the health and elasticity of the skin

Oranges [19659002] In addition to being delicious, oranges stimulate the immune system Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that stimulates collagen formation.


Pomegranate is a juicy and delicious southern fruit that is very important for feminine skin. Pepper seeds contain active substances that fight free radicals and also promote the formation of collagen in the body

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potato is an excellent source of vitamin A. It fights against the formation of wrinkles and of fine lines, it also protects against the sun's rays and promotes the formation of collagen.


There are many reasons why we need to eat broccoli more often. One of them is healthy and young skin. Broccoli contains huge amounts of lutein, which is important not only for the eyes but also for the skin.


The spicy spice of the East is a real explosion of important substances for the skin and body. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, contributes to the proper division of the cells of the DNA. It is thought that the erroneous division of DNA chains is one of the main causes of degenerative diseases, aging and premature death

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