The CRISPR gene modification method is dangerous – Technology – Science and Technology


The CRISPR gene modification method has so far been considered one of the most important innovations in medicine with the ability to solve a large number of genetic problems and diseases because of its high accuracy. A study of British scientists from the Wellcome Sagner Center, however, questions the effectiveness of CRISPR, the online review of MIT Technology Review.

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Scientists have tested the effectiveness of CRISPR with three different cell types: mouse embryonic stem cells, mouse bone cells and human retinal cells. Serious changes to the DNA after CRISPR were detected in the three

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It It turns out that CRISPR can lead up to the removal, removal or conversion of large portions of DNA strands. In some cases, hundreds and even thousands of "DNA" threads are affected.

Before Nature News, research director Alan Bradley commented that the problem is related to when the cell is restored after manipulations. "The cell is trying to restore the situation, but it does not know what elements of DNA have been linked to each other," he says.

Scientists say that CRISPR is used to publish billions of genes that can cause problems. The risk is that these damaged cells may become cancerous, which in practice will make sense of the use of technology to treat genetic diseases

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New scientist Bradley said the method and its effects should be explored further before they can be used in clinical trials. According to him, the failure to detect these side effects is probably due to the difference in method and method of research. Most studies with CRISPR focus on smaller scales and regions of DNA, while the effect of the method is sought on a much larger scale

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of CRISPR, as well as different ways to apply it. Everyone can have different effects and effects on cells. This is why more research is needed to be able to discover the true possibilities and applications of CRISPR, but for the moment it seems that the method will not be as universal and widely applicable as it is. thought so. For now, this means that when they use it, scientists need to do a deeper and broader badysis to make sure that there is no problem. Side effects, said Professor James Hobby at Nature News, because he did not participate in the

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