The end of murdered professor Neikov with a terrible revelation about the fatal student Ivanka – BLITZ


The end of the badbadin, Stefan Neikov, killed Monday night, is shocked by the version he asked the student for bad and money to pbad exams . According to the victim's family, none of the police officers called them to the fatal evening to tell them about the deaths of their husbands and fathers.

Irena Neykova and her children Natalia and Nikolay realized that Stefan had died by accident – the grandson of the victim pbaded on the boulevard "Hristo Botev" and saw his grandfather's light car surrounded by policemen , written Monitor ]. "

" It is a brutal crime that was premeditated. A huge sloth was poured on him and us, and he and the ant made the road. There were more than 300 scientific publications in Bulgaria and abroad. The two new varieties – salad "Ira" and alabash "Niki" are baptized to us. They carry our names. We are shocked. We are shocked. Everyone in Sadovo, Cheshanigirovo, who asked him to go to see his plants for diseases, has always retired. He has always helped. What are these slits I can not understand … He is retired and has not taught for many years. "

The words are the wife of the killed with a baseball bat on Monday night near Stefan Neykov, badistant of Plovdiv – Irina and her two children Nikolay and Natalia." Arrested for the brutal offense is a man 42-year-old who is the husband of a student whose murderer had to help take badual examinations and money, the version of the investigators.

Close friends of the victims, however, do not hide their disgust that "God, what bad 70 years ?! Nowhere! "The family's neighbors burst in. In their opinion, the murderer was always ready to help friends and family." We will clean up in front of the block, he is the first. His friend got sick, went shopping. We do not believe that he wanted money and bad on the part of a student, "say women.

Irena and her children are wondering how they will continue their lives and how people will look in the eyes.They do not know and when the funeral will be, even if they call people from all over the country, because the prosecutor's office has first had to order medicine The body of the Academy of Agriculture, Professor Vasil Nikolov, appealed to them to express their condolences, and on Tuesday they went to the fourth district of Plovdiv to file a petition. back from the Volkswagen Polo car.Now, the son Nikolay, also a scientist at the Institute of Plant Genetic Resources of Sadovo, was questioned by the police

.But the prosecution is firmly convinced that the version of badual and financial exams leads the # 39, investigation of the death of Assoc. Stefan Neykov. He knew the killer's 32-year-old wife since she was a student in 2005 and they had a relationship with them. Specifically, the prosecution did not specify it. Then the woman, who was a clbadmate to her son Nikolay, got a bachelor's degree. Nikolay himself told the monitoring agency that he did not remember his colleagues whom he was talking about because there were a lot of people. "By her son, they know each other, she has a master's degree, has interrupted, and now registers again to finish her studies, and makes contact with her to facilitate her studies." She wanted to help her pbad the exams through to the contacts he has with the scientific community, "said Galin Gavrailov, deputy district attorney.He clarified that the murderer was not a student at this time because he had been retired for years

The fatal Monday spent the wizard with his daughter Natalia.It led her to look at a skin doctor.His father was happy, in a mood, did not speak to anyone on the phone and did not show any concern.He did not tell him to have an appointment with someone in the evening.They were together until 4:30 pm when they parted The badistant then called his wife and told him that Natalia would take her to work. "Because I work go with joints, and that he was driving me and put me out of the race, "says his wife Irena

. At 18:30, he had a meeting with his son Nikolay for about five minutes, after which his trace was lost. And he did not say to have late meetings outside Plovdiv. His father went to a meeting with his Volkswagen Polo car, where he was found severely beaten and died a few hours later on Hristo Botev Boulevard in Plovdiv

Assoc. Stefan Neykov used to call his wife Irena if she was late. He always called her. Such was established during their years. In the fatal night, her husband did not call. His wife and children rang, but the phone gave him either free or because he had no connection with this number, probably due to lack of coverage

Meanwhile, the Professor Stefan Neykov met the 32-year-old student. They had to be seen near the sports hall in the village of Orizari near Plovdiv. Suddenly, the student's husband appeared, who began taxing retirees with the baseball bat

Around 20-21 hours his parents started looking for him in the neighborhood. They walked to nearby restaurants because they thought he could have watched games with friends there. They did not find it. At 10 pm, the grandson of Prof. Stefan Neykov appeared on Hristo Botev Blvd. He saw his grandfather's car, Volkswagen Polo, and how the policemen hang out. He called his mother. She told him, "Ivy, your grandfather is gone" and he said, "Get dressed, I saw the polo on the Boulevard Hristo Botev, surrounded by a group and there is a lot of policemen. Natalia immediately rushed to her husband. When she arrived at the military hospital, she saw the body of her father. A show that the young woman will probably never forget. His whole right hand was blue with his blows. Stefan Neykov was bathed in blood. He had a huge wound on his head. There was a lot of sand in the car and everything was broken inside

. Therefore, his relatives suggested that he could be beaten in a car that he probably went to the village of Orizari and with whom he was brought back to Plovdiv. The student and her husband filed it on Hristo Botev Boulevard at the military hospital. There, he was found, swollen with blood, by pbaders-by outside his car, and died shortly after the arrival of the ambulance. The author and his wife were detected by security cameras that, after leaving the old man beaten, separated. The 32-year-old woman headed to the Maritsa River, where she dropped the baseball bat. Her husband moved to another direction. A day later, the student took the police to the riverbank and showed them where she had been thrown from the murder weapon

. The Plovdiv District Court is expected to monitor Friday the murder of Professor Stefan Neykov.


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