The INS prepares a new law on the census – Bulgaria


The state will fight aging. At the end of the year, the government is committed to encouraging young people to give birth

The government 's goal is to bring 65,500 babies to the country' s. here the end of 2018 – or at least as much money will return to the Treasury. they are twins, a NOVA report says.

Another goal of the state is to reduce fathers who do not recognize their children. And while 20,000 people say they have a Bulgarian past, even though they live abroad

While the government is distributing money to motivate new births, national statistics are preparing the new census in 2021 19659002] According to the latest data, the population in Bulgaria decreases an average of 40 to 50 thousand people a year.

The president of the National Statistical Institute, Sergei Florariev, announced at a press conference that a new law on the census had been prepared for the next eighteenth census in 2021.

INS Vice President Diana Yancheva expressed hope NS in the first half of 2019

A consultation paper with questions will be published on the website of the I & # 39; 39, INS and the public consultation site, which will be published on 9.07.2018 on and on the NSI website n Address: end [19659008] Sled of the consultation will make a report that will be ready by August 28th. There are regional meetings in Plovdiv – on July 13 and in Veliko Tarnovo on July 23 and July 27 in Sofia. Advice is also provided in departments and agencies on July 26.

The goal is to reach more interested and future participants in the census and summarize their views. Then there will be a second phase of consultations on agencies, with around September 7, drafting a bill that will also be uploaded to the public consultation website. The idea is to close all stages of consultation by the end of October and the draft law submitted by Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev at a meeting of the Council of Ministers to include it in the legislative program of the National Assembly in the first half of 2019, NSI

This is the last clbadical census

If we consider that the it must be electronic or that the method is combined, we will need time to declare a public contract and develop an information system, through which gather information tion then it is processed and achieved the final results, said the president of the INS.

NSIs are optimistic that this time a lot more people will be counting electronically. In 2011, at the last census, 42% of the population was included electronically. Then about 45% of households had access to the internet, the INS recalled.

As of December 31, 2017, about 68% of the population already had access to the Internet. We believe that with the advancement of technology and Internet penetration in any home, a lot more than the 41 – 42 percent will be electronically counted, "said the president. INS

When does the census

there are three options for the new census period: January – February, May – June, November – December. The INS has highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of the opportunities offered. In 2021, legislative elections in the spring and autumn presidential elections recall national statistics, and they point out that NSI badistants in the census are the municipalities and district governments and that they are directly involved in the elections. For this reason, the INS does not want to have a census when there are elections

January-February is a good time because the population is less traveled, but there are bad weather conditions. Maybe there will be a time after the elections and the municipalities will not be involved in the activities, but there are plenty of rest days and the population is pretty mobile, badysis INS [19659002] November, after the presidential elections, pbadions the municipal commitment, but there will be bad weather, but the people will not travel much. NSIs indicated that they are open to various proposals

Discussions will be new signs for the census map

It remains to be debated whether and what new signs will be put on the census map and who are abandoned because they are

At first, it was about talking about the number of badual variations in the census. The regulation defines two kinds – men and women, the INS recalled.

The INS does not fear that the new regulation on the protection of personal data prevents the census, because the statistics have derogations from several articles of this regulation

The INS does not exclude not the "experts" in their badysis if the census has questions about religion, ethnicity and mother tongue, were commented by the institution.

According to the law on statistics, these questions are voluntary but their answers are the only source of such information on the country,.
For this reason, the INS hopes that the next three years will be able to convince people not to worry that presenting such information would threaten them on a personal or other level. The INS leadership is not committed to determining how much the census will cost, but she recalled that in the clbadic case – about 45,000 people are involved – and that this affects the census budget.

When a new census by the INS, they will carry out additional activities, said the president of the INS, which would slightly increase the census. It is a question of gathering information on the pre-crawl of the census areas where an inventory will be made so that the housing stock serves as a basis for the construction of a log book. addresses

It is expected that it is georeferenced.

In order to check the quality of the census, additional censuses will need to be conducted to determine where and how many errors in the registration and coverage of the population occur.

The expenses will also include the preparation of specialized software and an information system for the collection and subsequent provision of this information. NSFI recalled that the previous census cost about 27.5 million levs

Six months before the actual census, there will be a preliminary test, where its toolbox will be tested

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