The President will promote the integration of people with disabilities (OBZOR)


July 11, 2018 | 04:08 | FOCUS News Agency

  Photo: Press of the Presidential Secretariat to Encourage the Integration of People with Disabilities (OBZOR)

  President to Encourage Integration of Persons with Disabilities (OBZOR) Photo: Press Secretary of the Head of State

. President Rumen Radev will establish annual awards for businesses, unions and education organizations that have the most integrated people with disabilities. This became clear during a roundtable on "People with disabilities as a resource for the primary labor market – challenges and solutions". The discussion forum is organized under the auspices of the Head of State and will be annual. A contact group will be set up for the presidential administration to communicate with people with disabilities. Discussions will reveal whether Roumen Radev will award a prize and a municipality, offering the best environment for people with disabilities. "I want prices to be an incentive, to promote the good example that our society needs, and sufficient negativity has accumulated in this area," said the president. According to him, the full integration of people with disabilities is a difficult success because it requires a deep and lasting social transformation. "Transformation to see these people from consumers of public goods to people who make a real contribution to the production of public goods." Transformation of the disabled person – to be buried in his problems to an active citizen in his own right. society, "Radev explained. He noted that the discussions under his patronage coincided with the protest of mothers of disabled children. "We need to be deeply involved in society, demanding quick and equitable legal decisions and financial commitments," said the president. According to him, providing a pension or personal badistance to people with disabilities is a must, but it is a public duty, not a moral duty. "Our debt as a society is far from providing a pension or personal badistance to people with disabilities – it's the easiest way to exclude them," he said, adding that the criterion of their full integration is their job. The head of state said that about 445,000 are citizens who receive a pension for a reduced working capacity permanently, a small part of them working on employment contracts. According to Rumen Radev, people with disabilities have proven to have qualities and can be excellent employees and workers. Statuev, Rector of UNWE Prof. Statuev announced that about 100 students with disabilities over 70% are trained at the university. "If we include the rest, their numbers are bigger," he said. Professor Statev stressed that for UNWE, the admission of students with disabilities is a mission, they are the focus of attention and use privileges over rights statutory. Stattev Stattev stressed that all students with disabilities are trained in real conditions. "Software has already been developed to translate the teacher's speech into written text with a success rate of more than 98 percent," he said. "The main problem for people with disabilities is the accessible environment.Life is a movement, and when we restrict the right to move, we actually limit life," said Statue Statue. Administration of the Bulgarian Association of Industrial Capital, Vbadil Velev, explained that the protection of disabled people against dismissal is actually an obstacle to their recruitment. "When the staff needs to be reduced, no who is disabled and who is not, but who is working and who is appropriate and who is not, they can not be fired. That's why employers do not hire them, "he commented. Vasil Velev emphasized that systemic solutions are needed for employers to look for people with disabilities rather than be protected

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