The protest against Resar for the defense of Skaptopara, Blagoevgrad puts an end to archaeological research before July 20


Until July 20, archaeological research of the section of the Struma Highway between Blagoevgrad and Krupnik should be completed. A commission of experts from the Ministry of Culture will then publish a report of future actions on the archaeological site. On May 5, the execution of all types of construction and badembly work was interrupted for a distance of about 1.9 km, including in the archaeological research section. The bitumen emulsion can be kept until construction work done up to the time of shutdown not to be damaged by inclement weather

The decision to move the Struma highway road near Pokrovnik will be taken by a commission of experts appointed by the Minister of Culture. It will be pronounced after archaeological excavations

According to the opinion of the team of archaeologists, supported by the National Archaeological Institute with a museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the tombs and the church discovered until now can be moved from the public highway. made with other finds found in the construction of various objects of infrastructure, as is the case with world practice.

Today, a new protest was held in defense of the ancient village of Skaptopara. A dozen people gathered in front of the municipality of Blagoevgrad, who declared their firm position not to allow the archaeological excavations near the village of Pokrovnik to be destroyed by the construction of the Struma road.

The Chairman of the Initiative Committee, Lazar Andreev, admitted that he was encouraged by discussions with state institutions to find a solution to the case.

On July 3, a meeting was held with the engineer Doncho Atanbadov, member of the board of directors of the API, at the village hall of Pokrovnik. Several solutions have been considered: the rapid construction of the Struma road and the preservation of excavations to the maximum

According to the protesters, one of the compromise options proposed by the RIA is to build a retaining wall. be in servitude of the highway to keep at least 80 percent of the excavations, and a small part to move. The Board of Roads is committed to providing funds and presenting the discussion option to Cabinet.

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