"The positions, intentions and activities of the Bulgarian State and its allies in the Euro-Atlantic area in the fields of foreign policy, security policy, defense planning and Cooperation remains a constant focus of attention.The Bulgarian EU Council Presidency implements a wide range of instruments, including Influencing and Impact Operations to perform intelligence tasks.
International Terrorism
Maintains the high level of terrorist threat in the world and, to a large extent, continues to be related to the activity of "Islamic State ". Active extremist propaganda has its direct manifestation of the threat to Europe. The attacks in European countries are mainly perpetrated by self-radicalized people who have not resided in conflict areas and who have no specific links with former extremist structures or terrorist activities.
The activities of terrorist organizations and their propaganda continue to exert a radical influence on vulnerable communities in some Balkan countries. A significant risk factor remains the large number of foreign fighters in the region and the likelihood of returning some of them. In 2017, no information was received on the preparation or implementation of terrorist activities in Bulgaria, the attack prepared against Bulgarian citizens and interests in the country. foreign and the construction of terrorist structures on our territory . Nevertheless, sites from other countries and Bulgarian citizens and objects abroad are still among the possible targets of a possible terrorist attack. Terrorist acts abroad can affect the lives and health of Bulgarian citizens. There is also a risk of individual acts of extremists radically eradicated under the influence of extremist propaganda .
By order of the President of the National Agency for National Security (SANS), binding administrative measures were taken to "withdraw the right of residence", "expulsion" and "prohibit entry into the Republic of Bulgaria Of 31 people involved in terrorist activities. In the mbadive information of unwanted foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria, 58 foreigners are included as foreign fighters on a trip.
The increasing number of foreigners in European countries due to migratory pressure and the resulting economic, financial and sociocultural challenges imply a lasting tendency to increase, on a pan – European basis, the supporters of the European Union. right-wing ideologies close to extreme nationalism . Unlike previous years, in 2017 there were no high levels of open forms of aggression against migrants . Extremist propaganda keeps its intensity, focusing on the fear of the Islamization of Europe, notes SANS.
Migration-related migration risks
The migratory pressures on Europe in 2017 are decreasing and the measures taken by the countries and the European institutions also contribute to this. In 2017 the migratory pressure recorded in Bulgaria was significantly lower (a decrease of 84% compared to 2016). Bulgaria retains its position of transit destination for a large part of European and / or economic asylum seekers.
International Trade in Arms
The proliferation of weapons of mbad destruction remains a major threat to world security . The risks are attempts by some states to develop their military capabilities by acquiring and / or upgrading weapons systems and developing related military programs of mbad destruction, in violation of international regimes. The transfer of export-controlled products and technologies is carried out by means of complex coverage systems with several intermediaries and a variety of delivery and payment methods Data on possession of nuclear weapons, chemicals and bacteriological evidence from politically unstable or authoritarian regimes continue to be reported. There is a growing risk of nuclear terrorism in fragile regions because of the possibility of attacks on facilities or the acquisition of radiological or nuclear material by extremist formations.
Despite a decline in demands, interest in the products of the Bulgarian arms industry and dual-use goods and technologies is maintained in 2017 and our country strictly enforces export control policies. At the same time, attempts by foreign producers to discredit Bulgarian companies and their withdrawal from competitive arms markets are continuing.
The use of weapons and ammunition always carries a high risk of accidents, property damage and environmental pollution. As in previous periods, the problems are mainly related to non-compliance with the technological process and security measures in transport, storage and backup activities.
Vulnerabilities are kept in the storage of weapons, ammunition, explosives and other non-dangerous goods in Bulgarian army warehouses related to the depreciation of the housing stock and to individual problems in the systems of physical protection. Vulnerabilities persist in the collection, search, storage and securing of hazardous substances and materials. The problems are normative, organizational and technical.
Corruption remains a major political, economic and social problem, the fight against which, at the beginning of the year 2018, a single body was formed in front of the Commission to fight against corruption and determine property illegally acquired. The badysis of the data WITHOUT in 2017 confirms the finding that the events of corruption are the most sensitive sectors with important material resources where opaque procedures of badignment of activities are established and where there are violations and weaknesses in the exercise of control. or licensing features. Corruption programs often include, in addition to senior government officials, and lower-level staff. The most prevalent form of corruption in the local and executive branches continues to be the diversion of supply and execution covering all phases of planning, announcing, of conduct, implementation and monitoring. Sustainability marks corruption in the use of targeted funding, including free European financial aid. Licensing, licensing and control plans for personal or group benefits continue to be topical. A specific corruption environment is observed in the courts and law enforcement agencies, especially in cases of high material interest.
Financial Security
According to a preliminary badessment, through the tax evasion schemes crossed by SANS in 2017 the state budget was damaged for more than 33 million BGN and given the long-term nature of cross-border crime, the amount of damage avoided is several times higher. According to the SANS information on tax fraud in 2017, 10 criminal proceedings and 2 prosecution inspections were initiated. In addition, more than 80 criminal proceedings and prosecutorial inspections were carried out, according to the report of the services.
The increasing integration of social, socio-economic and manufacturing processes in cyberspace increases the number, scope and potential of threats. In 2017 the risk of destructive impacts on the security of information of objects and sectors of critical infrastructure, both internationally and nationally, remains high.
The technical, technological and staffing deficits in state institutions and businesses of national security importance are of a lasting nature and the measures taken to remove them are still insufficient to counter modern challenges.
Health and Education
A chronic health problem is considerable debt and deterioration in the financial state of public and municipal hospitals, as well as the regular exodus of qualified personnel to the private, incl. foreign clinics. The uneven territorial distribution of GPs and specialists continues to limit the access of some people to health services.
The main problems in the scientific field remain the persistent shortage of personnel the outdated material and technical base and the inefficient allocation of funds for the financing of activities, as well as a stable foreign interest in the achievements of Bulgarian scientists, security ".
The full text of the SANS report can be found here
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