The summer swells tourists on the sea – News from Bulgaria


The summer flu filled the doctor's office by the sea. It appears in addition to fever and chills and gastrointestinal disorders, reported in Monitor.

However, most general practitioners do not give samples to review in regional health inspections so as not to waste time and write drugs. patients, so the figures of the inspection statistics are too small compared to the actual picture

In Varna, for example, for the last two months acute respiratory diseases, according to the Inspection Regional health, there are 367, and enterocolitis with 129. In practice, however, they are at least three times more numerous, said general practitioners.

Dobrich also detected 243 acute respiratory diseases and 48 enterocolitis in the ASR, enterocolitis striking stations along the south coast of the Black Sea.

RZI Sofia inspectors found mud in four open-air swimming pools in the capital

Inspectors from the Sofia Regional Health Inspectorate found mud in four outdoor pools from the capital. However, RHI refused to let them know who they were

The owners of the pools in question received prescriptions. Laboratory studies have shown that pollutants are mechanical. The inspectors take samples in the pools during the day while there are visitors


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