They buried the grave of Stefan Stambolov – Trud


The security company that committed the attack will pay the damages. They are already recovering the stolen sculpture

The municipality clears the vegetation with 1 million BGN to improve security

  Vandali has destroyed the tombstone of Kableshkov in the central cemetery of Sofia. Photos: Tsvetan Tomchev
Vandali destroyed the tombstone of Kableshkov in the central cemetery of Sofia. Photos: Tsvetan Tomchev

A blatant badault was committed on Stefan Stambolov's grave, warns VMRO municipal councilor in Sofia, Carlos Contrera. Instead of bronze bust, the monument of the great Bulgarian state man in the central cemetery of Sofia ends with two metal pipes. The Vandals also reached the grave of Kableshkov, a team of Trud shot down the broken and broken slab. Right now it's just the spot where it's a bas-relief before it's stolen. The nephew of Todor Kableshkov and the prominent Bulgarian lawyer Anton Kableshkov, as well as Lyuba Mitova Kableshkova, the engineer Stoyan Mitov and Hili eng. Mitcheva

Three days ago, the rugged monuments were spotted by citizens who reported the IMRO, and they feared that the case would take place at the end of June. A signal was filed on July 16, but it is clear that it is not a prior period, they explained to Trud from the Department of the Interior. The investigation began

According to Contreras, there is a serious lack of security in the parks of the Sofia cemetery. "The incident is unacceptable and we have a colossal failure of the security police of the government of the second district and the security firm." Under their noses, they stole the bust of the tomb of Stambolov, a few meters from the entrance, where is a guard, I ask what these patrols do and where they are when the vandals are raging, "Contreras told Trud, according to him, the municipality of Sofia gave 1 million BGN to clean the vegetation in Sofia cemetery so that she can have better visibility for safety.

The SDRD explained to our team that the police, who they keep the area, they do not enter not at all in the park if they do not receive a warning of violation.They are only required to make roundabouts around the cemetery.The company "ASO-Sofia" Ltd., guarding the central cemetery from Sofia, said that there are 7 permanent posts, of which 4 are s The 3 mobiles move constantly. 96 members of their staff are involved in the protection of security

"These two days, since the beginning of the investigation, the evidence of CCTV is taken," said Rayna Bozhichkova, the company Municipal "Cemeteries". "The security company has contacted the sculptor and is currently doing some recovery work," she said. "We are starting to restore, so we badume that we have already canceled the bronze bust and we can not find it," wondered Carlos Contreras

The stolen sculpture of Stambolov was the work of the son of the Writer Nikolay Haytov-Alexander Hasov. The sculptor is also the author of the monument depicting King Samuel with his shining eyes.

Fines and penalties that will ensue for security guards and perpetrators will be erased after the investigation, Bozhitchova said. She badured that the contract security company must recover the damage of both monuments. In the park there are 14-15 monthly complaints about vandalism on monuments and trees. At the beginning of the year there is a case with four detainees.

The police know them

60 people are victorious

According to the municipal councilor of the IMRO Carlos Contrera, with animated gangs in the cemeteries of Sofia. Thus, vandals break monuments, make scams in cemeteries, scold crying to repair the monument that they have already broken. The fraud has caused tens of thousands of damage to the leva, he says. "The police have a list of potential suspects, a contingent group of 50 to 60 people who are constantly doing similar attacks on the cemeteries." They know crooked teeth, and yet these people "This is a very serious matter that should be addressed to the head of the government of the second district," said Trud Truder. In the old Bulgarian capital

The memorial of Botev's wife

Forgotten by the public [19659006]  03-02-% d0% bc% d0% b0% d0% bb% d0% ba% d0% b0 The vandals waded a month ago and broke the distribution with the image on the memorial a slab on the tomb of the wife of Hristo Botev – Veneta Boteva to Veliko Tarnovo. It is located in the park "Druzhba" and is adjacent to that of Ivanka Boteva. The villagers broke the pottery by hitting it with a hard object.

"The tomb of Veneta Boteva is forgotten by the public.The flowers rarely appear in front of the memory plate.Many young people do not even know that the wife of the great revolutionary and poet Hristo Botev hails from the old Bulgarian capital, "says Turnov.They add that the remains of Botev's wife are extended to those of his daughter Ivanka Boteva

In the old capital there is a street called" Veneta Boteva "and the children's garden, whose patron is Ivanka Boteva

The head of the Committee on Culture in Parliament Vezhdi Rashidov in front of Trud:

Vandalism must be stopped by the laws [19659002] <img clbad = "alignright size-medium wp-image-2514285" src = "×218.jpg" alt = "02-03-vejdi" width = "300" height = 218 "srcset ="×218.jpg 300w, https: // ent / uploads / 2018/07 / 02-03-vejdi-240×174.jpg 240w, 360w "sizes =" ( max. width: 300px) Mr. Rashidov, how will you comment on the next attack on the monuments of prominent Bulgarians?
– It is not a coincidence that the first thing I did when I became a minister was to expand the # 1 plot and create a driveway. Bulgarian artists he realized that the cemetery was not a place to just bury someone – there is the memory of our clans, a nation that rushes or n '. has no connection with the past can hardly be called a people with a future. reports that he was attacked
– Fortunately, after we repaired it, it has become a nice place to go even at night. I believe that vandalism must be stopped precisely by the laws and regulations in force, because the non-respect of the laws can also be called a form of vandalism

– Where is the bill on the cemeteries and cemeteries? end of last year?
– A legal team decides texts before coming to see us in the Committee on Culture and the Media and in the other parliamentary committees. I made an unofficial report that if each person contributes 3 or 4 leva to support a family pit that he owns, then an amount between 300 and 400 000 BGN is collected per month. Such revenues would be very useful to manage these places. So it is in many other countries.

For Own Use

Has Heirs of Varna

About the graves of the most famous people, in the central cemetery of Varna, the heirs, the volunteers and especially the employees of the municipal enterprise "Riders" take care of their own expenses

Among the most important personalities buried are Captain Petko Voyvoda, Architect of the architecture of Varna Dabko Dabkov, one of the fathers of Bulgarian archeology, Hermin Shkorpil, the creator of the sea The eternal rest in Varna finds submarine sailors German UB-45, submerged on November 6, 1916 near the north coast. At the central cemeteries are buried the first Bulgarian woman with higher education in medicine Dr. Anastasia Golovina, Metropolitan Simeon and others. The spiritual father of the parish was buried first at the Cathedral of St. Uspenie Bogorodichno, but then his bones were moved to the central cemetery. This is the case of other distinguished Bulgarians, buried first in the Sea Garden and displaced after the construction of the Varna Mourning Park in 1935.

] Cameras and security for 360 дка in Shumen
The Shumen Cemetery Park has not complained of vandalism encroachments. Employees explain that sometimes lanterns are missing in the graves, but they say that they can hardly leave the territory of the mourning place, rather than they change seats

"There is a guardian in the Shumen cemetery during the day, all day The approaches are also under the surveillance of 12 cameras.In addition, the park is also fenced, "says Trud Zlatin Kayriakov, director of the municipal enterprise" Parks and Ritual Activities

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