They offer a round trip instead of "Svoboda" and "Vasil Aprilov" – Plovdiv


Instead of the current traffic lights on the boulevards "Svoboda" and "Vasil Aprilov", they are offered by the badociation "Business for Plovdiv" in order to lighten the traffic in the city Plovdiv

Referring to the opinions and conclusions of people with long experience in the field, the badociation believes that the current traffic light system is unnecessary and that the construction of a circular junction is a alternative better and more logical [19659002] According to them, the next change but to include in the new general plan for the organization of the movement and implemented in the preparation of the extension of Vasil Aprilov Blvd.

The Association considers that this proposal will bring positive to Plovdiv and will be another step in the right direction (19659002)

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