They renovated the exhibition at the Hristo G. Danov Museum in Plovdiv


The 190th anniversary of the birth of Hristo G. Danov, founder of the modern edition of books in Bulgaria, is celebrated on July 27. On this occasion, the Regional Museum of History of Plovdiv renewed its exhibition "The edition of books in Bulgaria in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century". It is organized in the house museum "Hristo G. Danov" and activities are carried out with means of protection for the project of the Ministry of Culture for the preparation of new showcases and exhibition panels, as well as funds in the budget of the municipality of Plovdiv. The exhibition of the museum presents the work of Danov as a teacher, book publisher, industrialist, public figure and mayor of Plovdiv.
The official opening will take place today, July 23, at 11:30 at the Museum House "Hristo G. Danov" on 2, "Metropolitan Paisii" Str., By Ivan Totev, Mayor of Plovdiv , and the event is invited public representatives of Plovdiv and the media. Previously, the memorial of Danov will be honored by the worship of his tomb in the courtyard of the Cathedral of the Assumption. The exhibition is a contribution of REM Plovdiv in the preparation of the program "Plovdiv – European Capital of Culture in 2019."

The Cathedral of the Assumption in Plovdiv


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