They sealed the explosion of the ATM in Plovdiv, the police search criminals (PHOTOS) – BLITZ


They sealed the place of the ATM machine hit in Thrace. This was reported by TrafficNews.

The views that last almost a whole day are over. For hours, the uniforms broke the area and the investigators watched the scene. All camera recordings in the area are entered. Witnesses were interviewed.

Since the explosion, the entire bank branch has been injured. At the moment a pan is placed in place of the panes, a new door is mounted.

Two people are hunted, suspected of a daring flight. According to Plovdiv, they fled with a black jeep a few minutes after the blast.

As announced by BLITZ, nearly 200,000 leva is the amount raised. The successful site is one of the newest branches of the bank in Plovdiv. The ATM itself is located inside the building and is controlled by a map. Most likely it is so that the authors are entered.

Police presence intensified throughout Plovdiv. At all outings of the city, patrol cars and uniforms were positioned

There is still no clarity, it is the explosion that woke up the Thracians at 4:30 this morning. The search continues.

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