Tomorrow, it will be rather sunny with maximum temperatures between 28 ° and 33 °


July 14, 2018 | 19:42 | FOCUS News Agency

  Photo: gotoburgas.comNUM: Tomorrow will be mainly sunny with maximum temperatures between 28 ° and 33 °

  NIMH: Tomorrow will be mainly sunny with maximum temperatures between 28 ° and 33 ° photo:

Sofia. The night will be clear tomorrow – especially sunny. In the afternoon, the cloudy sky will develop, but only in separate places in the mountainous and northeastern regions will pbad soon. It will continue to blow a light to moderate northwest wind. The maximum temperatures will be between 28 ° and 33 °. Such is the prediction for the time of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, FOCUS News Agency l 39; watch officer Georgi Tsekov. The atmospheric pressure is and will remain close to the average of the month.
Above the Black Sea will be mostly sunny. In the afternoon, there will be a temporary increase in cloudiness, more important in the northern regions, where in some places they will soon overtake and submerge. A gentle northwesterly wind blows. Maximum temperature of the air 27-30 °. The excitement of the sea will be 1-2 balls. The temperature of the sea water is 25-26 °.
In the mountains, there will be mostly sun, afternoon with temporary increases of clouds. Only in some places, mainly in the Western Balkans, will pbad soon. It will blow a moderate wind from the northwest. The maximum temperature at a height of 1200 meters will be about 23 °, at 2000 meters – about 15 °
On Monday, it will continue to blow at a moderate wind from the northwest. Sunlight will predominate. In the afternoon, mainly in the eastern and mountainous regions, there will be a temporary increase in cloud cover, but no significant precipitation. The maximum temperatures will be 28 ° and 33 °. Tuesday and Wednesday, the air mbad will become unstable again. Before noon, there will be mostly sun, after lunch and before midnight, cumulus and cumulus-clouds will form. In many parts of the country, there will be short-term rainfall and thunderstorms. In the mountainous regions, there is significant rainfall. Possibility of hail

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