Two have Lyme disease in Stara Zagora – St. Zagora


Two cases of Lyme disease were confirmed in Stara Zagora, informed RHI. In Chirpan, Pavel Banya and in the village of Cherganovo are clbadified as probable three cases of patients with Martian fever

The data are for the past week in the district of Stara Zagora and the sanitary inspection ensures that does not exist A case of salmonellosis in the village of Panicherevo and a rotavirus gastro-enterocolitis in the district town. In Stara Zagora, Kazanlak and in the village of Nova Mahala, there are five cases of viral hepatitis identified by health inspectors as probable

Total 17 registered infectious diseases in Stara Zagora during the last seven years. days. Cases of acute respiratory disease were 72 to 68 for the previous week

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