United States with a new charge against spy Maria – America


Suspected Butina trying to establish secret meetings of Putin and Trump in 2016

A new indictment was brought to the arrested Russian Maria Butina, writes Politico. The 29-year-old woman was arrested Monday in Washington, the subject of a lawsuit, the US Department of Justice said.
She was accused of plotting in favor of Russia to "develop relations with US citizens."
Her arrest was announced as US President Donald Trump returned to Washington after a meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, where he had declared never to have doubted the Russian spy intervention in the US presidential election
According to US law the court of justice, Butina violated the law because she did not disclose to the US authorities that she acted as an agent of the Russian government
The new accusation is that the Russian woman not only contacted different people but also acted as foreign agent.The document says that he has been at least since 2015. With the new indictment, Maria is threatened with imprisonment between 5 and 10.
L & # 39; 39, counsel for Button, R obert Driscoll, previously stated that she had just graduated from college in the United States. and only wants to promote the improvement of relations between the United States and Russia
However, Butina worked on the orders of senior Russian government officials who were on the US blacklist.

It is also noted that he is also linked to an organization promoting the right to possession of weapons. In the official documents, the names of the clerk and the company are not mentioned, but Politico notes that Butina is an badistant of the former Senator Alexander Torshin, a former member of the upper chamber of the Russian parliament, a member of the party in power United Russia Torshin is a member of the National Association of Firearms Holders, which is a strong ally of the Republican Party
of America and included in the American list of citizens Russians subject to sanctions in April 2018.
The accusation lasts, that Butina and the Russian representative were working to build secret lines of communication that could be used by Moscow to penetrate the US national decision-making apparatus
The New York Times claims that during the election campaign For the 2016 elections in the United States, Button twice tried to hold the secret meetings of Trump and Putin.
Maria Butina, entered the United States with a student visa, was a member of the Russian organization Weapons Right.
She tells Konstantin Emeshin, founder of Shco According to Emeshin, the girl had good organizational skills, interwoven with cybersecurity and easily contacted people, wrote Lenta ru.
After learning at school, Maria obtained a certificate, then selected her as a coordinator and began to take care of all the work organization – raising students and working with them. In 2008, Maria was elected head of the information center at the second summit of the Altay public estate. In this position, she has constantly traveled to various forums with a lot of contacts. Then they offered him an even more difficult task – to overcome the prejudices of Russian citizens against short-range weapons. They are banned and are only on the black market and bandits. Therefore, Butina is attracted by the creation of a Russian public organization "The right to arms," ​​says Emeshin.
Maria then says that she offered him a master's degree in cybersecurity in the United States. "After we left, we communicated via Facebook, we were welcomed for the holidays."

In May of this year, she announced that she was finishing her studies and offered her a job in Silicon Valley

. a week and a half, he asked me for help: there was a known Russian whose father had died in the Gulag. He therefore wanted to consult the chairman of the Interaction Commission with the regional authorities of the Altay Alexander Dietz Chamber of Commerce. Political representatives According to him, the noisy arrest of Butina is a political movement. "Trump is not under great pressure, he has a lot of opponents, and now they want to use everything against him, I think Maria will have one more school with this story, and that is to the real politics, "says the public professor

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