Where we came from! A 17-year-old citizen of Plovdiv showed his sophomore a finger of a policeman and then … – BLITZ


A 17-year-old boy publishes his photo on a facebook where he sealed his middle finger on the back of a policeman in front of a shop in Plovdiv

The child in the filmed uniform fell on the social network publication and acknowledged his father. He reported to his parent, because he was worried that the prestige of his family was diminishing.

When questioned by the 17-year-old citizen of Plovdiv, he did not show remorseful gratitude: "That's what I wanted to do, to make fun of the institution," said the young man. A pecuniary action was brought against him.

This disturbing case was made today among the criminal and criminal offenses of the children who marked 2018. The director of the Municipal Anti-Social Action Committee for Children and Adolescents of Plovdiv Petko Vbadilev commented that the young person who uploaded the photo has a flawless feature – a good student, a good family, unrelated to anything up to now.

Even more frightening is the fact that a 17-year-old child wants to spoil the prestige of an institution. This indicates that our society has incorporated intolerance, lack of respect, mistrust of the state, mingled with mocking notes. Significantly, they are transmitted by generation and perceived by children.

The second disturbing indication concerns social networks, namely the fact that facebook becomes an arena, both for abuse, insults, psychological harbadment and prestige, and a driver for antisocial practices. events.

There have been frequent incidents in which children are bullied by children in an online space. In another case recorded during the last six months in Plovdiv, the miners were persuaded by other children to commit a robbery in a shop. According to publications, a particular business object is "easy prey."

The 17-year-old student, again with excellent features, goes to the store and undertakes a 60 leva flight.
The probable cause of such an act is not the lack of material gains, the Commission said. Rather the challenge and the thrill of adrenaline. Of course, during this period, girls have a particular attitude to their appearance, which reinforces the desire to own beauty products.

In all cases, seemingly minor cases fill in criminal statistics and tend to increase children's antisocial behavior.

In minors, thefts are also widespread and, in some cases, are not even spontaneous, quite the contrary. So, the actions of a 10 year old girl suggest a purpose and a freshness that we can expect from an experienced thief.
The child began to visit a cosmetics and jewelry store in Plovdiv and to buy various goods that he duly paid. The correct attitude and attitude, as well as the frequent presence, created a contact of trust between her and her staff. At this point, the girl starts exporting goods illegally. For 3 days he made 4 flights worth about 260 leva. Camera control on the site has been reported to surprise merchants.
This offense is however minor within the meaning of the law. As a minor, the 10-year-old girl will not be handed over to the prosecutor's office and corrective and corrective action will be taken against her. Will he, however, stop such action on his part in the future?
Unfortunately, the statistics are not very encouraging.

Since the beginning of 2018, 24 minors (between 14 and 18 years old) have committed 37 crimes, representing a 30% increase in recorded crimes (about 8 more than in the previous six months) . 39 are juvenile delinquency (under 14 years) committed by a total of 37 children.

Kid's bad actions focus on theft, theft, hooliganism and bodily harm.
An annoying trend for children not only to be the perpetrators but also the victims remains. 42 are minors who have been victims of violence, fornication, theft or other crimes. 290 children are kept in a pediatric ward, and only 25% of them are girls. 22 drugs were detected in the body of 22 children.

Approximately 80% of juvenile offenders are not joined by the court, but are only dealt with by the Commission on Anti-Social Behavior (67 correctional files registered since the beginning of the 2018 year and 104 corrective measures). Only 4 children were sentenced by the Plovdiv District Court, and 4 cases that were received by the prosecutor's office were suspended and referred to the Commission.

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