Cellulite is a pocket with fat cells that form just below the surface of the skin. In these greasy formations, water accumulates, resulting in other wrinkles in the skin. Cellulite is more common in women than men. This is due to the fact that the skin of women is much thinner than that of men
Several factors are related to the appearance of cellulite – gender, genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalance, skin elasticity, mode of life and especially nutrition. Here are some suggestions for foods that fight cellulite.
Coriander – This is one of the foods that you like or that you can not tolerate. Coriander has a detoxifying effect in helping to remove heavy metals that tend to accumulate in fat stores. Heavy metals interfere with the normal functioning of cells and tissues and metabolism. Elimination can help you get rid of excess fat. Coriander is a wonderful spice for almost any food, use it to fight cellulite
Lemon Juice and Chili – Mix lemon juice and a spoon of cayenne and drink this "badtail" three times per day. Combined with a sensible diet, in a month you will enjoy smoother skin and better health overall. You can do a mbadage rub lemon slices directly on the problem areas. It is said that lemons have it cleaned and give it a fresh appearance.
Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries – some of the healthiest fruits we can eat. Extremely rich are antioxidants and nutrients. Their antioxidant properties help eliminate toxins in the body that accumulate in fat stores and form cellulite
Other foods helping cellulite can be found in Puls.bg
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