Yambol measures against animal invasions target biosecurity :: Investor.bg


  E. Iliev: Yambol measures against animal plague aim at biosecurity

Veterinary authorities of Sharkovo, 14 July 2018. The measures taken by veterinarians in Yambol against peste des petits ruminants aim at preventing the spread of disease in the country and to trust us in international trade.

Nearly 2000 sheep and goats were euthanized last week, and farmers are not allowed to export animals to affected animals Damyan Iliev in Nova TV

Yambol and the region of Burgas. Volunteer groups also participated in weekend shelters in Sharkovo village, where they had to continue killing animals, Bulgaria ON Air reported. Participants in the action released the animals threatened with euthanasia.

"In general, euthanasia on farms is not done with caution as it is thought that it is possible for the owners to hide the animals and to compromise the whole." normal person sees the tragedy in the soul of men, but we really can not take the measures with emotion, "he explained.

According to him, if only quarantine is applied, a guarantee of non-proliferation can not be given
Veterinarians still do not know if the virus is transported by animals or animal products, and there are 700 outbreaks of infection in Turkey

For people, the disease is not dangerous, but the economic damage can be enormous, warned the BNT. The Minister of Agriculture Tsvetan Dimitrov .

"Whatever financial incentives we can offer, we will not be able to compensate these people for the stress they have suffered," he said. According to him, benefits for basic sheep start from 190 leva, for lamb 140 leva, for loose 160 leva.For animals under selective control, they rise to 300 leva.L & # 39 de minimis aid will be raised to 42 leva.There are extraordinary circumstances for which farmers are not to blame, so they will receive their subsidies in full in 2018.

According to him, the NVS has complied with the rules of control and if there is an error, it was purely communicative. I do not care if the state will compensate me, it is important that the animals stay alive, "he told Nova TV Baba Dora from the village of Sharkovo. is on her farm that the volunteers have intervened and until now the flock is not slaughtered She said she was satisfied with the support but she did not know what would happen today "These are my children, I give them everything," explained the woman to the flock.It is sure that the animals are healthy

The strangely hasty actions of the authorities and the lack of communication with them. Farmers in the slaughter of cattle not only hit them in the reputation of FASFC, but also on the state of a country.This was narrated by BTV Dr. Marina Ivanova and Yavor Gechev of "Four Paws"

"They left people in an eclipse of information. In this way, they destroy the small breeding and kill the state, they do not trust them, "said Gechev. According to him, everything would have happened if the authorities had spoken to the owners and that only the herds of sick animals had been euthanized.

million. Ivanova was adamant that animals could not be presumed to be sick, since the virus survives in the environment only 72 hours and is transmitted in direct contact

Protest against animal euthanasia in the area de Strandja was on the presidency in Sunday's function

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