Bushwick Bill, co-founder of Geto Boys, died at age 52


The rapper of Jamaican origin began his career with the Geto Boys as a dancer before joining the group as a rapper. He is known to have appeared on the cover of the group's album, in 1991, on a gourd after being shot in the eye.

His publicist, Dawn P., confirmed the death in a message posted on Instagram and with NPR. CNN has reached out to the publicist and is waiting for his answer.

"Bushwick Bill passed away peacefully today at 9:35 pm His family appreciated all the prayers and support, he will really be missed," said the publicist in the Instagram post.

The Geto Boys come from Houston, Texas, and became famous in the early '90s. Some of their successes include "G.E.T.O." "The spirit plays tricks on me," "Fuck, I feel good about being" and "still".

The group's DJ, Ready Red, died of a heart attack last year.

Bill was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in February, he told TMZ last month. He said that he kept the diagnosis to himself until he spoke to TMZ.

"I kept it for myself and I'm getting ready to tell Scarface and Willie D [fellow Geto members]. I only said it to close family members and that's about all, "he said at the time." But I thought that keeping it for myself would not help anyone. It's not like I'm afraid of dying, because if someone knows anything about me, then he knows that I'm dead and that I'm already back on June 19, 1991. So I know what it looks like on the other side and it's really not what it's all about. "

The rapper struggled with drugs and alcohol and risked deportation after an arrest in Atlanta in 2010.

Bushwick Bill of the Geto Boys performs live at Emo on January 26, 2013 in Austin, Texas.

Bill, who had dwarfism, was originally a dancer of the first edition of the Geto Boys before joining the band as a rapper for his debut album "Making Trouble" in 1988. The band's second album put in the spotlight, becoming one of the earliest examples of hip-hop horrorcore subgenre, although their graphic and bloody lyrics prevented their songs from receiving many radio plays.

In 1991, the rapper lost an eye after being shot and wounded during a fight with his girlfriend at the time while he was drunk with Everclear's pure-grain alcohol. . He documented the incident in the song "Ever So Clear," which rhymed. "I grabbed her hand and placed the gun on my eye muscle / She shouted," Stop yourself ", then we broke into another fight / Yo, during the fight the shot went off quickly, damn it – Oh shit ah, I'm touched. "

The Geto Boys again solved the problem by using a picture of Bill – about a boy in a hospital gown, his face bandaged and his eyes badly injured – as a cover of their album "We Can not Be Stopped" from 1991.

CNN's Chloe Melas contributed to this report.


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