Calaveras County Childhood Measles Update


San Andreas, California – The investigation of a child with measles in Calaveras County at the end of September ended without any reports of other people being infected, health officials said.

Although there were fears that others could be exposed as the child had been at local playgrounds and health facilities, which are listed in a previous article found here, county health officials indicate that there has been no spread of the virus. The case came to light when a local health care provider reported the child’s illness to county health officials. The child who was under five and was not vaccinated against measles recovered.

In a written press release, county health officials emphasized, “The cooperation of local health providers is essential for our ability to respond quickly to a potential public health problem.” He also detailed the measures taken during the investigation. First, they determined that the child’s initial tests, signs and symptoms were compatible with measles, which prompted an investigation. Then the California Department of Public Health and the public were immediately notified.

After further testing in coordination with the California Department of Public Health, county health officials said, “It has been determined that the length of time that a disease is in a person’s body before it occurs. feels or looks sick, known as the incubation period, has passed. Any potential exposure to measles would have already developed signs and symptoms of measles by now. “

Noting that measles is a very contagious and serious disease, health officials say it is preventable. They recommend that parents check their child’s immunization status to make sure they are up to date on all childhood immunizations to avoid any future risk and also to check with their health care provider. Click here for the vaccination schedule.


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