California’s age-based vaccination system angers people with disabilities


Even as San Francisco resumed outdoor dining, some indoor gym activities and haircuts on Thursday – the last of the Bay Area counties to reopen after the state’s lockdown – concerns persisted regarding the rollout of vaccination in California.

The state’s new vaccination plan will prioritize people by age rather than risk of infection starting in mid-February, and people with disabilities and other groups said it wasn’t just unfair , but would put their lives in danger.

“How dare you!” Sage Doshay of Saratoga said, expressing his fury at the state plan.

Doshay is 29 years old. She suffers from a medical condition that requires her to take immunosuppressive drugs and puts her at high risk of complications if she contracts COVID-19. She has postponed the medical attention she needs because she will have to see the doctor in person. She is not comfortable seeing the doctor as she lives with her parents, who she says also have compromised immune systems.

“Our lives have a value,” Doshay told The Chronicle. “Our experiences are valuable. Our suffering is a black mark on society. And if you pretend it’s just a matter of waiting, that should be a stain on your conscience as a healthcare professional for the rest of your career.


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