California's bill on access to the "abort pill" in public universities goes to the governor's office


California lawmakers on Friday passed a bill that would require clinics located on campuses of all public universities in the state to offer the "abortion pill" to students seeking to terminate their pregnancy within 10 days. weeks, depending on the information.

The State Senate in Sacramento approved the SB24 by a vote of 28 to 11 on the last day of the legislature's session, the Sacramento Bee reported. The measure is now heading to Governor Gavin Newsom's office. The democrat has one month to decide whether he will sign it or not. It would come into force in January 2023.

SB24 would need health services on the campuses of all 34 public campuses in the country – 11 in the University of California system and 23 in the state of California system – to make available the pills approved by the Food and Drug Administration.


The author of the bill, Senator Connie Leyva, D-Chino, said access to abortion drugs in campus health clinics would prevent students from choosing between "delaying important medical care, or having to go through long distances, miss classes or work ".

"At a time when states across the country are reducing health care for women and access to abortion, California continues to lead the country to protect everyone's right to choose," said Leyva in a statement. communicated. "SB 24 reaffirms the right of every student to access abortion."

The bill would use private donor funds to train staff and equip campus health clinics with ultrasound and other equipment to allow students to undergo medical abortion. If private funds are exhausted, the state should bear the costs or the universities should increase the health costs of the students.

Pro-life activists, meanwhile, said that the concerns of students who oppose abortion also matter.

"We are also very concerned about the right of people to conscience – students whose fees will be used to fund these health centers," said Kristi Hamrick, spokesperson for Students for Life of America, at The New York Times.

"We are also very concerned about the right of people to conscience – students whose fees will be used to fund these health centers."

– Kristi Hamrick, spokesperson for Students for Life of America

The state finance ministry objected to the bill, saying the cost of implementing the measure on all public university campuses could not be supported by private donations, La Bee said. Republicans from both chambers objected to the bill on Friday and some Democrats abstained in a vote in the General Assembly.

The former California governor, Jerry Brown, voted against a similar bill last year. Newsom campaigned on pledging to support a law requiring public universities to provide abortion pills to campus students before it was elected in 2018, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.


According to the bill, more than 400,000 students attend California university campuses. According to the Times, most health centers on state campuses offer gynecological exams and contraceptive methods, but direct students to seek abortions to off-campus providers.

Medical abortion involves that a woman take two different pills within two days that cause cramps while the uterus cancels the pregnancy. The method is over 90% effective and is less invasive than other abortion procedures, according to Planned Parenthood.


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