Modern Warfare beta download client not accessible via PSN, here's how to download it


In case you do not know, the beta version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is now available to anyone with a PS4 (no PlayStation Plus required). If you have tried to search for it on the PSN Store, you will not find the download link or download page of Modern Warfare on PSN, which could be confusing to others. For those who want to download Modern Warfare's beta client, we're here to help you!

Players will need to visit the Call of Duty Promotions page. Once there, choose a country and click on "Submit". You will then receive a code that you can use on the PSN! Once you use it on PSN, you will then have access to the client. Download it, and that's it!

The open beta of Modern Warfare will take place from September 14th to 16th and again the next weekend from September 19th to 23rd.

For those who already have access, Infinity Ward makes changes to the game and here's what's new for today!

Stay tuned for our practical impressions of the beta once we have spent enough time on it. Thanks to the beta updates, we want to make sure to shake it up.

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