Can a "fertility diet" really help you conceive? In some cases, yes


The diet was developed by Drs. Jorge Chavarro and Walter Willett, both of the Harvard School of Public Health, have thoroughly analyzed data from the Nurses' Health Study, one of the largest and longest studies on health. women in America.

After reviewing the diet of more than 18,000 women with no history of infertility but who were trying to get pregnant, they discovered that the quality of your diet, your level of physical activity and the fact of whether you smoke or not, can hinder reproduction. in your favor.

Other experts claim that the diet of Chavarro and Willett could be helpful in improving fertility in women with ovulatory disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome, often referred to as PCOS. "It's a general way of eating healthy and can help women improve their intake of essential nutrients for conception and pregnancy," said Vandana Sheth, nutritionist dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Nutrition. dietetic.

Dr. Marie Menke, Assistant Professor and Director of the Division of Reproductive and Infertility Endocrinology at the UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital, said: "If you are looking for a fertility regimen, that is A good starting point is the association between these eating habits and a reduction in the risk of infertility in some women. "

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Experts agree that the diet has positive attributes, but some wonder if the real benefit lies in weight loss rather than the quality of its diet.

Carrying extra pounds can affect egg quality, said Dr. Amanda Kallen, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at the Yale Fertility Center. In addition, overweight or obese women are more likely to exhibit imbalances in levels of insulin, testosterone and FSH and LSH, and these hormones stimulate follicle growth and ovulation, explained Kallen.

"There is certainly data suggesting that a return to normal weight can help solve these problems and promote ovulation, but there is not enough data to definitively conclude that a diet helps more than the other. "

Martha McKittrick, dietitian and PCOS expert, said, "Many women lost weight and became pregnant. The question is whether they became pregnant because they lost weight or because they followed the other recommendations of the fertility diet. ?

"If a woman is overweight and trying to conceive, I try to help her lose weight.For me, it's number one," McKittrick said. "Losing 10% of your weight (or 20 pounds if you weigh 200) improves sensitivity to insulin and helps women with PCOS to ovulate."

But a woman with PCOS can be lean and still resistant to insulin, which can hinder ovulation – in which case the quality of the diet becomes a more important factor, explained McKittrick. For these women, consuming less processed carbohydrates and more whole grain carbohydrates such as quinoa, wholewheat bread and whole wheat bread over white bread may result in a slower increase in blood sugar levels and increased production. Lower insulin, favorable to fertility.

"It makes sense for a patient with PCOS to reduce her consumption of highly processed refined carbohydrates. [these] Dietary modifications may increase the risk of spontaneous ovulation, "said Dr. Alan B. Copperman, director of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility and vice president of the Department of Reproductive Endocrinology. Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences Mount Sinai Medical Center.

Research by Chavarro and Willett reveals that eating more high-fat dairy products than low-fat or fat-free dairy products can increase the chances of conception in women with ovulation problems. This is due to the presence of specific hormones in the milk fat. But consuming more calories from high-fat foods can become difficult if weight loss is part of your pregnancy prescription.

"I'm a 2% fat or fat-content fan, it's better than a skim milk or 1% if you're trying to get pregnant, and that makes you feel fuller." a long time, "said McKittrick. But to keep calories in check, she recommends cutting an ounce of meat or a third of a cup of starch elsewhere in your diet.

More than one fertility diet

Experts say that even if drugs or fertility procedures are in the design records, improving your diet can optimize your chances of conceiving. But studies suggest that diets other than the fertility diet may also be beneficial. In one study, researchers concluded that diligently following the Mediterranean diet could increase the chances of successful pregnancy and birth for women undergoing IVF.

"There is evidence that various diets support fertility goals, however, most models have components in common, such as being rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and seafood," said Lauren Manaker, Infertility Dietician. and prenatal counseling women and men who want to conceive. "Eating in this way will probably not compromise the chances of conception compared to a current diet in the western world, rich in refined carbohydrates and processed foods and low in vegetables."

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In another study published last month and co-authored by Chavarro, a "fertility-friendly diet" including high levels of folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin D, as well as dairy products, soybeans and low pesticide content, had a more favorable effect. result on fertility when it is followed in conjunction with assisted reproductive technologies, compared to the Mediterranean diet.

With the "fertility-promoting diet", the more docile the patient is, the better the result. But the researchers did not find the same relationship when they evaluated women with different levels of compliance with the Mediterranean diet and their results in assisted reproductive technology, explained Manaker.

"This new study highlights that components that are not part of the Mediterranean diet, such as focusing on products with low pesticide residues and including supplementation with specific vitamins, may be a better choice for those on antiretroviral therapy." said Manaker.

Keeping expectations in check

Although following a fertility-boosting diet may increase your chances of contracting a baby, "this is not automatic", you do that and your birth rate increases by 10%, "said Menke. In addition, if you do not have an underlying ovulatory disorder, you may not get many additional benefits from your diet.

Kallen points out that while it is possible to track the fertility regimen in women with ovulatory infertility, the data justifying it are based on relationships (which do not prove the cause and effect), as well as on self-reported diet stories (which may be inaccurate). "The question is: if you follow this diet, will it treat or cure infertility? I do not think you can say that's the case," Kallen said.

Copperman said, "If you follow this diet, it does not mean that you will get pregnant, and if you cheat, that does not mean that you will not get pregnant." It was a beautiful study , and it was a huge study: there are tons of women who have recorded their information … but even in the big data world, that does not mean that we can draw specific and personalized conclusions from 39, a study that was not designed to ask these questions. "

Copperman fears that women will become too adherent to a specific diet – and unnecessarily reproach their infertility for not following something quite strict.

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"People are coming in all the time … after we've put them on a low carb diet … and then, they say, 'the reason I did not ovulate, that's It's because I had a roll at dinner. " No no! Biologically, that makes no sense, "said Copperman.

If you decide to try to change your lifestyle, your age should also be taken into account. "If a woman is 26, [not ovulating] In the last three years, after starting to eat unhealthily in college and taking another 10 pounds, I might say, "Try this first; do not go directly to IVF. But I would be careful to wait a year on a diet if a woman is 40 years old. That would make me a little worried, "Menke said.

In the end, experts agree that, when it comes to conceiving, having something under the control of the patient makes sense.

"It's a question that comes up often: is there anything I should eat or do to improve that?" Said Menke. "If you're looking for something anyway, it might not be a bad place to start."

The fertility regime in 11 recommendations

Chavarro and Willett recommend in their book 10 research-based strategies that could potentially increase fertility:

1. Avoid trans fats, fats clogging arteries that are found in many commercially prepared products and in fast foods.

2. Use more unsaturated vegetable oils, such as olive oil or canola oil.

3. Eat more vegetable protein, such as beans and nuts, and less animal protein.

4. Choose whole grains and other sources of carbohydrates with lower and slower effects on blood glucose and insulin rather than highly refined carbohydrates that quickly stimulate blood glucose levels. and insulin.

5. Drink a glass of whole milk or take a small dish of ice cream or whole yogurt every day; temporarily trade skim milk and low-fat or non-fat dairy products such as cottage cheese and frozen yogurt for their fat cousins.

6. Take a multivitamin containing folic acid and other group B vitamins.

7. Take a lot of iron in fruits, vegetables, beans and supplements, but not in red meat.

8. Beverages matter: the water is excellent; coffee, tea and alcohol are acceptable in moderation; Stay away from sugary sodas.

9. Aim for a healthy weight. If you are overweight, losing between 5% and 10% of your weight can start ovulation.

10. If you are not physically active, start a daily exercise program. If you are already exercising, speed up the pace of your workouts. But do not overdo it, especially if you are skinny. Too much exercise can hinder the design.

11. If you smoke: stop.

According to Chavarro and Willett, diet recommendations are specific to women with infertility related to ovulation and non-infertility related to tubal blockage or low sperm production . Their book features a weeklong meal program including recipes consistent with the strategies above and providing approximately 2,000 calories a day.

Lisa Drayer is a nutritionist, author and contributor to CNN's health and nutrition.


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