Can soda consumption lead to early death? Researchers say yes


You may want to drop this soda before taking your next sip.

The researchers found that even two glasses of soda, be it sweet versions or dietary varieties, could increase the risk of premature death compared to people drinking less than one drink per month , reported CNN.

According to CNN, none of the more than 450,000 people in the study had cancer, diabetes, heart disease or stroke before the start of the study.

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The study, published this week in JAMA Internal Medicine, followed 451,743 men and women in 10 European countries from 1992 to 2000, the Washington Post reported.

The study found that if participants drank at least two soft drinks a day, their circulatory death rates would be higher. For non-alcoholic beverages, one or more deaths were linked to digestive diseases that attacked the liver, appendages, pancreas and intestines, Post reported.

The consumption of soft drinks was also linked to an increased risk of Parkinson's disease, but no Alzheimer's disease or cancer, reported CNN.

The researchers, however, said that when the consumption of soda increased, there was usually an unhealthy lifestyle, the newspaper reported.

This is only the latest study that relates the consumption of soft drinks to health risks.

The American Heart Associated said in February that daily consumption of at least two artificially sweetened beverages could increase strokes, heart attacks and premature death of women over the age of 50, reported CNN .

In March, another study found that drinking more than two servings a day increased the risk of premature death by 63% for women and 29% for men, CNN reported.

If you have decided to try to remove soft drinks from your diet, experts suggest first to swap a normal soda with seltzer water or sparkling water, then cut it gradually.

As for the sweet taste, replace it with fruit and do it for more than two weeks. It takes about two weeks for your taste buds to be replaced, and you can practice no longer needing sweet tastes, suggested CNN.

Break the habit actively and replace the normal routines that you follow when you are taking a soda.

If you are worried about the caffeine headaches that will inevitably occur when you cut caffeinated soft drinks, experts recommend trying herbal teas, black or green.

Replace sugary drinks with easily accessible water and add fruit if you want to make them less bland, CNN reported.


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