Can the new $ 1,300 MacBook Pro beat a $ 4,000 model?


Apple’s new Macs with their own silicon have broken convention with very impressive performance, super-long battery life, and affordable prices for the power you get. If you’ve been wondering about the new MacBook Pro for your own business, this awesome video review features a photographer pitting the new laptop against his tricked i9 MacBook Pro.

Coming from Scott McKenna, this excellent video review takes a look at how Apple’s new MacBook Pro with the M1 chip compares to its highly specialized Intel MacBook Pro. In this case, McKenna compares it to a $ 4,000 MacBook Pro with an eight-core i9 processor, 32GB of RAM, and an 8GB graphics card. With such a list of specs, it’s a very capable machine, but the Mac M1s performed impressively, and given the number of creatives that work on Macs (and MacBook Pros in particular), it’s really great to see these results. I’ve discussed my enthusiasm for Apple to switch to its own chips before, and it seems the excitement was justified, especially since we’re seeing such impressive performance at much lower prices. Watch the video above for McKenna’s full thoughts.


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