Can vaccinations stop the transmission of COVID?


CU Boulder Study Participants

“We have received many emails that we are working on to get them started. It was really nice to see because they are really interested in doing something to help. vaccine.’ That is, “We understand what the study is, and we would love to be involved and be part of the long term solution,” “added DeSouza.

Chase Willie, a senior at the Boulder campus, never really knew how projects like this worked.

“I used to say to my dad, I always wondered who was in those studies, because you hear about it on the news,” Willie said. “I’ve always been the type they talk to?”

So when Willie’s girlfriend emailed him about Prevent COVID U, he decided to submit a request. The media design manager then attended briefings about the study, and it was there that he learned that participating could mean waiting to be trapped later in the year. But, at that point, he felt like he was part of something important and decided to stay in the trial.

“The study sort of answers the big question the entire nation is currently asking about these vaccines,” he said. “Once you are vaccinated, can you still pass the virus on to other people? I think this is a question that came to my mind as well, and that I was really curious to find out. So even though I wasn’t immediately vaccinated, it would have been really cool to be part of a study that answers that. “

As it turned out, Willie had been assigned to the previous group and received his first Moderna shot last week.

Dr Amesh Adalja, a senior researcher at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in Baltimore, said the study would benefit everyone.

“The main reason this is important is that it will have a real impact on how public health guidelines are published. [transmission] information from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, data from health workers, as well as real data in places like Israel, where they have a highly vaccinated population, ”Adalja said.


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