Canada commits $ 150 million to NASA's lunar space station


Lunar invitation

In November, NASA's Jim Bridenstine asked Canada to join the Lunar Bridge in the United States, a position he hopes will be able to orbit the moon by 2024.

"We can not achieve what we want to achieve in the space if one of us leaves alone," he said at a conference on Canadian aerospace. "We want you [Canada] involved in our return to the Moon in a big way. "

It took three months, but Canada is now ready to engage in the program – and to further explore the space.

Team of two

On Thursday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that Canada would join the Moongate, committing more than $ 150 million Canadian to the program over the next five years.

"NASA is delighted that Canada is the first international partner of Gateway's lunar outpost," said Bridenstine in a press release following Trudeau's announcement. "Space exploration is part of Canada's DNA … Our new collaboration on Gateway will allow our broader international partnership to reach the moon and eventually reach Mars."


The Moon Gate is just one element of Canada's future space projects. Trudeau said the country would invest more than C $ 2 billion in its space program over the next 24 years.

"Canada's historic investment will create good jobs for Canadians, ensure the continuity of our astronaut program, and the strength and growth of our aerospace industry," said Trudeau, "while opening up a new field of opportunity in Canada. research and innovation in Canada ".

READ MORE: Canada heads for the moon: flying over the moon gate[[[[CBC]


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