Burari Deaths: The police are now studying family ties with the gods or occult practitioners. (AFP)
A number of handwritten notes found in a few registers gave a new direction to the investigation into the death of a family of 11 people in northern Burari from Delhi. The notes – which speak of strange religious beliefs – provide a motive in the case, say the police, who initially thought that it was a collective suicide and then said that it could be a mbad murder by a family member who commits suicide.
Ten of the 11 people – two men, six women and two teenagers – were found in the yard of the house. They were blindfolded and their mouths were sealed. Some of the bodies also had their hands and feet tied. Another woman, Narayan Devi, 77, was found dead in another room. It seemed that she had been strangled.
The notes provided a shocking indication. "The human body is temporary and one can overcome fear by covering ones eyes and mouth," according to press agency Press Trust of India

A policeman said that the notes speak How can we
A policeman said that the notes speak of how one can achieve salvation and how the human body is temporary but the soul still continues to live.
"The notes say if a group of 11 people follow these rituals, all the problems would be mitigated and they would reach salvation. Some notes have dates on which they were written while others do not. not have.All notes speak to arrive at the end and win the peace, "reported PTI, citing one of the
Police now examines the family ties with gods or occult practitioners.
"We have found handwritten notes detailing how hands and legs should be tied up and how much like the bodies of 10 people were found in. They are exhaustive notes and we study them", said Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime) Alok Kumar, quoted by the PTI.

Neighbors said the family was religious and never saw suspicion [19659009SurlabasedesmarquesdeligaturelapoliceadéposéuneplaintepourmeurtremaisPTIarapportéquelesenquêteurssoupçonnaientquelamortpouvaitêtreuncasdepactesuicidaire"Ilestpossiblequelafemmeâgéeaitétéétrangléecarellen'étaitpasconditionpourmonterletabouretNouscherchonssilesenfantsontététuésouontétéconvaincusdefairelepabadtrême"aditunautreofficier
Ketan Nagpal, whose maternal grandmother was the & # 39 one of the people found dead, claimed that they were murdered. all financial matters and had not even taken a single loan. Everything was fine. Mr. Nagpal said that even if they committed suicide, they would not cover their face or smash their mouths.
Neighbors said that the family was religious and that they had never seen The family was writing religious "shlokas" outside their home every day. They sang "Gayatri Mantra" and worshiped the gods once in the morning and once in the evening. We have never seen 'tantrik & # 39; or god visit their house. They were helpful and humble, "said one of PTI's neighbors
Police are currently waiting for post-mortem reports of bodies, which would reveal if any of the family members killed the rest and s & rsquo; Was suicidal suicide pact

Police is currently waiting for post-mortem reports of bodies
Narayan Devi, 77, was found dead on the ground, others were identified as her daughter Pratibha, 57, her two sons Bhavnesh, 50, and Lalit Bhatia, 45, Savita, 48, wife of Bhavnesh, and their three children – Meenu, 23, Nidhi, 25, and Dhruv, 15 .
Tina, 42, wife of Lalit Bhatia Shivam, a 15-year-old son, was among those who died.
Pratibha's daughter, Priyanka, 33, who had been betrothed last month and was allegedly married at the end of the year, was also found pending. New Delhi, click here
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