
Photo: Facebook: Stephen Lee
More than 150 corgis were at Vancouver's Spanish Banks beach on Saturday, some with racehorses, sharks, sushi and superheroes.
The organizers said that there were probably 1,000 people in hand, who were the owners of the dogs and the lovers of the short-legged mutts, as part of a beach day to celebrate the breed .
The second annual event included costume and race competitions.
"They bark you and give you love and they are cute and they are stocky.I think people can just relate to them being a little different, sometimes, too," said l & # Organizer of the event Cindi Lunn.
Lunn said participation exceeded organizers' expectations after about 50 participants a year ago. ] On their Facebook page, the organizers thanked the participants and their dogs and said that they will plan a "bigger and better" event next year

Photo: Facebook: Stephen Lee
– with CTV files Vancouver

Photo: CTV
This python baby was first discovered in Burnaby Mountain in early September, 2015. The missing snake, Gypsy, is an adult python, which is known as "python". about six feet long.
An animal snake from just over six years old Ladner has lost feet for a long time and the Delta police are asking public badistance to hunt down the snake.
The caramel colored python, named Gypsy, was reported missing on Friday, but has not been seen since June. 30.
"Unfortunately, the officers do not have any," said Cris Leykauf, police spokesman, exactly where the snake was last seen. [19659003] Laykauf notes that pythons are not poisonous and are popular pets because of their docile temperament, she said that creatures often curl up when stressed or frightened
Police were in contact with Gypsy and his owner on June 20, outside Walmart in Tsawbaden, police said the owner had slept outside the store and cooperated when asked to do so. Bringing Gypsy to his Nearby Minivan
– with CTV Vancouver records

Photo: CTV
In the morning, his vehicle collided with a TransLink bus in the Downtown Eastside of the city. [19659003VancouverpolicesaidthecarwasdrivingtothenorthordonPrincessStreetbyEastHastingsStreetanddrovepastthebusbeforehitting
The accident occurred just before 9am
The 73 year old car driver was driven to the Hospital where he died as a result of his injuries. No one was injured as a result of the crash.
Police continue to investigate the cause of the accident, adding that the public transit bus was entering the intersection on a green light

Photo: CTV
A small fire in a low-income Vancouver apartment caused the removal of a resident Friday night.
The fire broke out on the fifth floor of the building located in the Railtown neighborhood, and firefighters had to react significantly.
"Since there were physically disabled people in the building, we immediately made a second one," Mike Huntley, chief of the Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services Battalion, told CTV
Thanks to the great intervention, the firefighters managed to bring down the fire quickly
Fire crews were also exposed to bed bugs inside the apartment and had to decontaminate their equipment as a precautionary measure.
The apartment, Veterans Memorial Manor, houses 133 men, mostly seniors. . Many residents are physically handicapped or have mental health problems
– with CTV files Vancouver

Photo: bbadcoast.ca
Thousands of people are in Merritt this weekend for a moment of relaxation . [19659002ThousandsofpeopleareinMerrittceweek-endforagoodtime
Locally and internationally renowned musicians will perform at the 10th annual Bbad Coast Festival, July 6-9.
Five stages, performance art, large interactive art installations, local artisans and workshops on topics ranging from the culture of consent to music production.
The festival is expected to attract 5,500 people and generate more than $ 450,000 in economic benefits for the community. The government has provided $ 45,000 to help organizers promote the festival
The festival will feature musical works such as Nadia Rose, MNDSGN and Funk Hunters.
Festival attendees can also enjoy the performance art of Calypsa Agency, Made in Alchemy and Freestyle. Focus Group
"We really appreciate the support of the government for the Bbad Coast Festival," said Anna Hilliar, organizer of the festival. "This has allowed us to advertise and sell the event hoping that our visitors from outside will extend their stay in the beautiful Nicola Valley and will try some of the many outdoor activities that the area has to offer.
Government funding for the Bbad Coast Festival is provided through the Tourism Events Program. The program supports tourism awareness activities in British Columbia and inspires people from around the world to visit the province. These events also generate tourism and economic activities in the regions of British Columbia.

Photo: CTV
Chrissy Brett, who helped set up the Regina Park camp near the Trans-Canada Highway, was arrested. to the police. July 6th.
The woman who played a key role in the establishment of a "tent city" in Saanich was arrested.
Police arrested Chrissy Brett for allegedly interfering with the fire inspectors. Friday:
Brett, who helped establish the Regina Park camp near the Trans-Canada Highway, was arrested for allegedly whispering in the ear of a firefighter
. On Friday around noon, the police said Brett was obstructing the inspectors while she was not allowing them on the property and physically preventing them from inspecting them
. "At one point, the woman produced a horn, pointed it to the ear of a firefighter and sent a loud signal in his direction," police said in a statement.
. Jeremy Leslie said that despite opposing Brett firefighters at the camp, the other 80 or so people living there were happy to cooperate with the inspection.
But not everyone was happy with the intervention, with representatives of "Camp Namegans" saying Brett was "arrested for preventing a fire commissioner from throwing out the house." some without his consent. "
– with CTV records Vancouver Island
July 7, 2018 / 5:00 am | story:
Rob Gibson
The summer of 2018 has just begun, and up to now there have been 348 fires of more than 0.01 hectare. Of these, only one at Comstock Lake in the Prince George Fire Center area is still considered a bush fire.
It was a very different situation this time last year.
A series of widespread thunderstorms triggered more than 190 wildfires, including several in the Cariboo region.
"Many of these fires have developed rapidly and have exhibited aggressive and dangerous behavior," said BC Wildfire Service. ] The summer of 2017 set many records:
- The area burned (more than 1.2 million hectares)
- The total cost of fire suppression (over $ 568 million)
- The number of displaced persons (about 65,000) evacuated
A state of provincial emergency was decreed on July 7 and lasted 70 days, until September 15, the longest state of Provincial emergency in the history of British Columbia and the first to be declared since 2003.
During the fire season, more than 4,700 people fought forest fires in the province , including more than 2,000 forest industry contractors and 1,200 from outside BC
The work of an arsonist or an arsonist.
A working group of the Southeast District RCMP was established in May of this year to take the lead. He works alongside the BC Wildfire Service and other agencies.
Anyone with information is asked to call the tip line at 1-855-685-8788
Since April 1, 594 forest fires have burned about 47,041 hectares of land, according to the data BCWS. In an average fire season, there would have been about 420 fires and 26,800 hectares burned in the same amount of time.

Photo: Contributed
* A previous version of this story said that 255 fires burned 1,625 hectares of land, which was corrected
The Canadian Press –
July 6, 2018 / 15h54 | story:

Photo: RCMP
UPDATE: 3:50 pm
The subject of an RCMP report on missing persons on Vancouver Island is apparently OK .
Jan Stelmaszyk and his three-year-old son, from Port Alberni, went missing Tuesday after they were not heard for four days.
But Stelmaszyk posted on Instagram on Thursday, saying, "OMG !!! I just woke up to realize me and my son are missing." That "some family members" are "concerned" with our situation and that I have not posted anything on social networks for a few days, "according to a photo of two children eating pizza.
He added the #fakenews hashtag but confusingly marked his location as Arco, Italy.
ORIGINAL: 6:15 am
Vancouver Island gendarmes search for a 35-year-old man and his three-year-old son
Police say that Jan Stelmaszyk and his son, Matt Bartnik It is believed that Stelmaszyk would camp in the parks of Vancouver Island and that he would drive a 2016 Hyundai Santa Fe white with BC He had held the family informed by social media on Instagram, but the police said the family had been introduced after I did not hear anything from him for four days.
Police say Stelmaszyk "" The family is worried about the safety of the pair. "
Police say the boy has a thin build with light brown hair and gray eyes, while his father is six feet and two inches, with brown eyes, black hair and beard and mustache
The Canadian Press –
July 6, 2018 / 3:36 pm | story:

Photo: RCMP
The Prince George RCMP is looking for a man who left a woman behind a motorcycle accident
The motorcycle was apparently skidding and went through an embankment [19659003] Sgt. According to Paul Collister, the woman may have been injured for a few hours near Highway 97 until a pbaderby heard screaming for help around 5 pm Friday.
He says the woman's main wound was a broken femur.
The suspect left behind a heavily damaged Kawasaki Ninja helmet, gloves and motorcycle
Collister says that speed and alcohol are being investigated as factors in the accident
The Canadian Press –
July 6, 2018 / 11:59 | story:

Photo: The Canadian Press
Charles Ryker Gamble
The friends of three hikers who died in an accident in Shannon Falls posted a moving video online honoring the trio they claim to have inspired. 39; others. Seven members of the High on Life group appear in the video on their verified YouTube channel, with one of them remembering that both men and a woman were the warmest, kindest, most motivated and the most extravagant you may ever encounter
. The message delivered by an unidentified member of the group indicates that it is the responsibility of High on Life to broadcast a message written by Ryker Gamble and Alexey Lyakh, who, according to him, died Tuesday with Megan Scraper
Gamble and Lyakh have written about present, be free from the past or all that is to come, and give their time and energy to what really matters.
The message asks people to respect the privacy of bereaved families, who want people to share the message In 1965, Gamble's cousin Rob Mangelsdorf said the trio had shared their trekking experience with thousands of social media followers through videos, photos and articles. for young people, raised money and worked with orphans in Uganda after her mother set up a school there.
Mangelsdorf stated that Gamble died while trying to help Lyakh
"Even in his last act on this Earth he was trying to save" He knew Alexey all his life, as they were small, small of kids. They were inseparable, absolutely inseparable all their lives. "
Mangelsdorf said that the family understands that Scraper slipped and fell and that her boyfriend, Lyakh, tried to save her before Gamble tried to help her friend. Three victims were found Wednesday after the RCMP staged a helicopter waterfall because the area was inaccessible otherwise
The Canadian Press –
July 6, 2018 / 10:32 | story:

Photo: BC Gov & # 39; t
The BC Children's Minister visited a daycare center in Coquitlam today to explain how the government intends to create thousands of children. other places in the province.
Katrine Conroy says providers can now apply for a new fund for part of the $ 237 million announced in the spring budget for such programs.
She says that $ 221 million has been earmarked specifically for the new spaces fund and will be available to the private sector, not for-profit centers and public daycares, with the goal of creating 22,000 new licensed spaces in Canada. over the next three years.
The fund will also support the creation of places in schools for care before and after school.
Spaces for infant and toddler care are high on the priority list and funding preference will also be given to the communities that need it most, such as urban centers and Aboriginal communities , rural and Katrina Chen, Minister of State for Child Care, says the funding formula includes separate ceilings for different categories of child care, and that the province is also looking at addressing wages, recruitment and retention of early childhood educators. 19659125] Photo: CTV / Chopper 9
Emergency teams respond to the site of the forest crash near Sechelt on Thursday
UPDATE: 9:50
A pilot died in a small plane crash Near Sechelt, Thursday, he was akin to the three survivors
A toddler, a teenager and a man thought to be their father were able to Away from the accident with minor injuries only
. says the pilot was the children's grandfather
Police say the group was leaving for a sightseeing tour when the plane lost energy shortly after take-off and then went on a tour. is crushed in a ravine.
UPDATE: 5:15 pm
A person died in a plane crash near Sechelt on Thursday afternoon, while three others were taken to hospital .
A single-engine Piper Cherokee 140 crushed in a wooded area about 1.5 kilometers northwest of Sechelt-Gibsons airport, just past 3 pm
"Three of the occupants were able to self-extract and were transported to Sechelt Hospital, "said Deputy Fire Chief Dwight Davison
Emergency Health Services said the three people were in a steady state, while the fourth person on board had died.
The cause of the crash is unknown for the moment, but the Transportation Safety Board will investigate this case
ORIGINAL: 3:50 pm
An airplane s'. is crashed on the Sunshine Coast.
Although details of the accident remain sparse, CTV reports that the plane crashed near the Sechelt-Gibsons airport shortly after 3 pm. Thursday.
Two air ambulances were called to the scene, landing near the airport just after 15:30.
The airport and the surrounding airspace were closed.
It appears that emergency teams are focusing on a wooded area near the runway
Castanet will update this story as new information becomes available
– with CTV Vancouver files
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