2 arrested at Mother Teresa's Charity in India on the alleged sale of baby


By Indrajit Singh The Associated Press

Thu, 5 July 2018

PATNA, INDIA – A nun and another laborer in a single mother's shelter run by charity Mother Teresa in East India has been arrested for selling a baby, police said Wednesday. Three other complaints were the subject of an investigation

An Indian couple claimed to have paid Rs 120,000 ($ 2,285) to Anima Indwar, who worked at the shelter run by the Missionaries of Charity, said the policeman Aman Kumar

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Kumar stated that the police were investigating three other complaints against Indwar for allegedly selling children from the shelter. Another charity worker was being questioned by the police.

Kumar also said that the police had transferred 12 pregnant women from the badociation to a government-run home. The movement apparently aimed to avoid any similar situation after the birth of their babies

The arrests on Tuesday and Wednesday followed the couple's complaint, the charity worker took over the boy and kept their money.

Charité spokeswoman Sunita Kumar was investigating. "There was no question of selling a child because the Missionaries of Charity had stopped giving children for adoption three years ago," she said. She said that the charity had never taken money from parents by organizing adoptions in the past.

Police officer Kumar said that 100,000 rupees ($ 1,900) were recovered from the two who were arrested. A resident of the shelter and was handed over to the Indian couple by Indwar on May 14 in Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand State.

The couple told the police that Indwar called them on July 1 and asked them to visit the shelter. Rupa Verma, president of a state-run organization for the welfare of children, said that Endwar had taken the child when the couple arrived.

The state-run organization then took custody of the boy, the press agency Press Trust of India quoted Verma.

Mother Teresa created the Order of Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta in 1950 and then set up hundreds of shelters for the poorest people. She received the Nobel Peace Prize for her charitable work in 1979 and Pope Francis declared her holy last year, two decades after her death.


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