& # 39; Insider Attack & # 39; kills a member of US forces in Afghanistan


KABUL, Afghanistan – An American serviceman was killed and two others wounded on Saturday in southern Afghanistan, according to what officials described as an "internal attack."

The US military announced the death in a statement. did not provide more details. The wounded soldiers were in a stable state, according to the army.

The Taliban said in a statement that an Afghan soldier had conducted the attack at Tarinkot Airport, in Uruzgan province. Death, the third US military death in Afghanistan this year, recalled that US soldiers remain in the line of fire, although the war is now largely fought by Afghan security forces. 19659005] US forces reduced to a training and advisory mission of just over 10,000, from a peak of about 100,000 soldiers. Soldiers also carry out anti-terrorist mission and lead a strong campaign of air strikes in support of Afghan forces

Afghan forces, stretched as violence intensifies across the country, suffer large quantities of casulas. In addition to the Taliban, who showed resilience, a new element of the Islamic State emerged in the pockets of Afghanistan, especially in the east.

The coalition government in Afghanistan also fought against public unrest. infighting and copes with opposition protests.

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