In a few years, this Chinese company has managed to develop a loyal fan base by offering a good price / quality ratio on its smartphones. Do you know all the little secrets of OnePlus? Let's look at some of the most interesting facts and anecdotes about the brand's journey.
OnePlus and OPPO have a lot in common
OnePlus seems to be out of nowhere. Where does the brand come from? He has two fathers, one is the famous and popular Carl Pei, the other is Pete Lau, who is a former vice president of the OPPO. It is probably from here that comes the idea that OnePlus is an OPPO subsidiary, but things are a little more complicated than that. In short, BBK is the parent company behind these two brands (and behind Vivo too), which is interesting since the three brands seem to be in competition.

Although not confirmed, they appear to have divided the market by scale and geographic area. Whatever the case may be, OPPO and OnePlus cooperate at the production level, and we can even see the fruit of their shared work, especially with the OPPO R15 Pro camera found in the OnePlus 6.
Communication to the Community
Some manufacturers have large communities, built over the years through different strategies, but OnePlus is able to distinguish itself from others. In a few years, the young Chinese company has managed to create a very strong fan base. The invitation system at the beginning of his trip allowed him to attract attention, and then he focused on transparency and communication with users on his forums.
Even the great bosses of OnePlus address directly to the fans via the forums. Few companies communicate directly and regularly with their users, allowing users to feel listened to (unlike other manufacturers) and provide the manufacturer with a solid base of fans to improve their image and buy their products.
The term "Flagship Killer"
When OnePlus launched its first smartphone, the OnePlus One, it was called "Flagship Killer". This term has been widely used by the media and has also spread to other smartphones with the same characteristics: a flagship level quality with a price to kill. In other words, an incomparable value for money that attracts the crowd.
Many Chinese smartphones were later dubbed "killer lighthouse" by the press, especially in the modern high-end popularized by models such as the Honor 7. [19659006] oneplus x screen 1 "src =" https: / /fscl01.fonpit.de/userfiles/4376948/image/oneplus-x-screen-1-w782.JPG "srcset =" https://fscl01.fonpit.de/userfiles/4376948/image/oneplus-x-screen- 1-w782.JPG 782w, https://fscl01.fonpit.de/userfiles/4376948/image/oneplus-x-screen-1-w596.JPG 596w, https://fscl01.fonpit.de/userfiles/4376948/ image / oneplus-x-screen-1-w450.JPG 450w, https://fscl01.fonpit.de/userfiles/4376948/image/oneplus-x-screen-1-w336.JPG 336w, https: // fscl01. fonpit.de/userfiles/4376948/image/oneplus-x-screen-1-w300.JPG 300w "sizes =" (max-width: 806px) calc (100vw-24px), (max-width: 995px) 782px, ( max-width: 1216px) calc ((2 * (100vw – 30px) / 3) + 15px – 24px), 782px "/>
A Few Hiccups in the History of Success
Initially, OnePlus used an invitation system, but in the face of its growing popularity, he opted for a more traditional way of offering his smartphones. Nevertheless, his advertising campaigns were sometimes problematic. In one of them he was accused of badism
. Another campaign contest entitled "Smash the Past" also caused problems. The challenge was for users to break their old smartphone on video to show how much they deserve to get a new OnePlus smartphone for only $ 1. OnePlus quickly retracted the crush rule, allowing instead to recycle the device instead of breaking it. Nevertheless, the damage was literally already done.
A contradiction between ideas and actions
OnePlus is very proud (and rightly so) of its community and the unwavering support of its fans. bad fans are still not resentful of many disappointments. For example, OnePlus had promised to put Android Nougat on the OnePlus 2 and did not do it. He mounted the OnePlus 5 screen upside down, leading to an unhappy jelly scroll effect. He cheated on the benchmark tests (several times) and claims that his actions were not cheating. He ended up being accused of secretly selling user data, and although there was no apparent wrongdoing after all, the situation was very poorly managed. There has also been a troubling amount of data collection by the company, which has since indicated it would reduce. OnePlus has also been hacked, causing credit card payment problems for some users.
Another story we will not forget is the update of the OnePlus 5T to play HD content: you can not install it yourself. smartphone by mail. You read correctly, to update your smartphone, you must separate for several days. In short, OnePlus may seem ambivalent about his community, sometimes very attentive, but when things go wrong, not so much.
What do you think of OnePlus? Are his products affecting you or is the troubled past of the company too repulsive?
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