Ottawa firefighters claim that up to 25 people will be displaced after the fire from two alarms in an Old Ottawa East apartment building
Firefighters have were called to the nine-unit building on Concord Street South at approximately 8:15 pm It appears that the fire broke out in the ceiling between the second floor and the roof
At approximately 9:15 am, the fire was declared under control
. the buildings are uninhabitable and up to 25 people will be displaced. The Red Cross and the Salvation Army were called to rescue the victims
Everyone inside the building was able to evacuate safely, according to the Ottawa Fire, but a firefighter was ankle injury
. not yet determined and there is no damage estimate yet.
Firefighters were able to save some pets from the building safely. None of the pets were injured.
Ottawa Fire at the scene of a 2-alarm fire at 135 Concord Street South. The fire is in the ceilings between the 2nd floor and the roof of an apartment building. – Scott Stilborn (@OFSFirePhoto) July 2, 2018
Red Cross and Salvation Army Victim Support Teams Conduct Operations with Firefighters Ottawa and the Ottawa Police. #ottnews #ottcity #ottfire pic.twitter.com/UliRZhPkII
– Scott Stilborn (@OFSFirePhoto) 2 July 2018
Captain OFS Steve Styles meets Gather a pet and owner this morning 2-fire alarm at 135 Concord Street South. #ottnews #ottcity #ottfire pic.twitter.com/0XBBmOTZJG
– Scott Stilborn (@OFSFirePhoto) July 2, 2018
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