Boys disappeared, coach found alive in the cave of Thailand – but extract them will be difficult


Thai rescue teams walk inside a cave complex where 12 boys and their trainers disappeared in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai Province, in northern Thailand on 2 July 2018.

Tham Luang Rescue Operation Center / The Associated Press [19659003] The skinny boys huddled on the floor of the cave when British divers emerged from the murky water.

While his light shone from one boy to the other, one of the divers shouted, "How many of you? "

" Thirteen ", one of them answered

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" Brilliant ", says the diver.

After 10 days trapped in a complex flooded caves in northern Thailand, and after A huge research effort had frozen Thailand, the 12 missing boys and their football coach had finally been found.

In a brief video filmed by one Divers, posted on the Facebook page of the Thai Navy Seal, the boys and their trainers looked surprisingly good condition.Some of the boys were sitting and some were standing while they were talking with their rescuers. [19659003] The group was the object of a search and rescue operation since the boys and their trainer disappeared on June 23.

The two British divers who were the first to reach the boys , both experts in cave rescue, were John Volanthen and Rick Stanton, according to Bill Whitehouse, vice president of the British Cave Rescue Council

. The next challenge will be to take the group out of the flooded cave in its weakened state and without training as a diver. The boys are between 11 and 16 years old and their coach has 25.

The governor of Chiang Rai Province, Narongsak Osottanakorn, who oversees the search and rescue operation, said that a medical team would treat the team members and evaluate them to determine when they could be moved

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" I badure you we found them, "Narongsak told reporters. "After the doctor has evaluated their condition, they will give them treatment so that they can move in. Then we will decide how to move them."

The divers finally managed to reach the group after having closeted a narrow, submerged pbadageway that was too small for them to pbad through their air tanks.

Twelve boys and their trainer who disappeared from a cave complex in northern Thailand were found alive. Reuters

Earlier, crews had used huge pumps to reduce the water level.

King Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun had indicated that he was following events closely, helping to attract the attention of government officials.

The boys' first question at the diver's arrival was to know if they could leave right away. They also wanted to know how long they had been in the cave.

The diver explained that the cave was flooded and that it would take them out. But he badured them that other divers would soon bring food and provisions.

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"Many people are coming," he said. "We are the first."

Kham Phromthep, whose son was among the boys trapped in the cave, said that he was ecstatic when he saw his son in the video.

"I am very happy to see his face among other faces," he said. [ad_2]
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