The US government blesses omitting the breed of admissions, registration


Eric Tucker, Associated Press

Published Tuesday, July 3, 2018 3:18 PM EDT

Last Updated Wednesday 4 July 2018 08:24 EDT

WASHINGTON – The Trump administration said the government would no longer encourage schools to use race as a factor in the admissions process, thus overturning the then-current guidelines of Obama aimed at promoting diversity among students

. the blessing of the federal government to let the race out of admissions and enlistment decisions and underlines the controversial policy that has surrounded for decades the affirmative policies, which have been repeatedly challenged before the Supreme Court.

were part of the 24 policy documents revoked by the Department of Justice to be "useless, outdated, inconsistent with existing law or otherwise inappropriate". Attorney General Jeff Sessions has called these changes an effort to restore the "rule of law", although civil rights groups have denounced the movement and some universities have said they want to continue their efforts in favor of diversity

. the court challenge of admissions to Harvard University that attracted the attention of the government, as well as the Supreme Court roll-over supposed to cast a more critical look at race-based admission policies from the school

. the use of the breed among many factors in the process of admission. But author of the notice, Anthony Kennedy, announced his retirement last week, giving President Donald Trump a chance to replace him with a judge who might be more skeptical about admission programs which take into account race and ethnicity. s' stray from the position of the Obama administration, which said that schools could consider a race in the admissions decisions. In a 2011 policy document, the administration stated that the courts had recognized the interest of schools in ensuring racial diversity of populations on campus

"Institutions are not required to implement neutral approaches if they feel that the approaches are impractical, "said the guide." In some cases, race-neutral approaches will be impracticable because they will be ineffective in achieving the diversity sought by the community. 39, institution. "

This directive has now been rescinded, just like about half a dozen similar documents, some of which explain the court decisions baderting the use of the breed to make decisions about the use of drugs.

In such a document, the Obama administration said: "As the Supreme Court has acknowledged, diversity has benefits for all students. The announcement of the Trump administration is more in line with the Bush era policy that discouraged positive action and instead encouraged the use of race neutral alternatives, such as percentage plans and economic diversity programs.

Although such guidelines do not have the force of law, schools could likely use them to defend themselves against lawsuits about admissions policies

. The Justice Department of the Trump administration had already signaled its concern about the use of race in admissions decisions.

The department, for example, placed this year in front of American-Asian plaintiffs who argue against Harvard that the school illegally limits the number of Asian students.

Students at Fair Admissions, the group that pursues Harvard, are led by Ed Blum, a legal strategist who also helped white student Abigail Fisher to sue the University of Texas for alleged discrimination in a lawsuit. case before the Supreme Court. 19659005] Blum said Tuesday that the organization "welcomes any government action that will eliminate clbadifications and racial preferences in college admissions." Harvard, meanwhile, said that he would continue to view race as a factor of admission to create a "diverse university community where students from all walks of life have the opportunity to learn". to learn from each other. "

" We condemn the Ministry of Education's politically motivated attack on affirmative action and the deliberate attempt to discourage colleges and universities from pursuing the racial diversity in the colleges of our nation. Kristen Clarke, president and executive director of the Committee of Lawyers for Civil Rights under the law, said in a statement.

Lily Eskelsen Garcia, president of the National Association for Education, said: the most effective ways to create diverse and inclusive clbadrooms. "She said the announcement highlighted the issues surrounding the upcoming Supreme Court appointment.

The High Court has generally agreed to consider race in admissions decisions to achieve diversity. 2016 notice written by Kennedy, the court awarded a victory to positive action policies by allowing the race to be among the factors taken into account in the college admissions process. Positive action in education Judge Antonin Scalia died after the court heard the arguments in the case but before the decision was rendered.

positive action can add to an already contentious fight over the next justice.

With Trump expected to announce his candidate next week, the issue should be a central element of any confirmation process, said Danielle Hol Ley-Walker, Dean of the Howard University School of Law.

She described this new orientation as "highly unfortunate and counterproductive". The sessions department is likely to be aggressive towards schools that continue to take race into account in admissions decisions.

"People have spoken of precedent regarding Roe v. Wade" – the landmark decision of 1973 baderting a woman's right to abortion – "but it is important to remember positive action has been a precedent for the last 40 years, "she said. "There is a clear attack on the previous ones. Any Supreme Court nominee must be asked if they support precedent created by positive action."


Follow Eric Tucker on Twitter at the address: http: // www


Associate writers Mark Sherman and Jesse Holland in Washington, Collin Binkley in Boston and national writer Errin Haines Whack in Philadelphia contributed to this report. 19659032] (function (d, s, id) {
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