India asks WhatsApp to prevent abuse after crowd killings


Aijaz Hussain, Associated Press

Added on Wednesday July 4th, 2018 9:40 AM EDT

Last Updated Wednesday, July 4, 2018 9:49 AM EDT

AS-India-Mob-Attacks, 5th Writethru @

NEW DELHI – The Indian government has asked WhatsApp to take "immediate steps" to prevent the social media platform from being used to spread rumors and irresponsible statements to those held responsible for the recent deadly attacks in the country.

At least 20 people were killed in predominantly rural villages in several Indian states during attacks by crowds inflamed by social media. Victims were accused in viral messages of belonging to gangs trying to kidnap children. The brutal attacks, which began in early May, also left dozens wounded.

Although the Indian authorities clarified that the rumors were true and that the targeted people were innocent, the deadly and brutal attacks, often captured

The Indian Ministry of Electronics and Technology information said Tuesday night in a statement that the lynchings were linked to "irresponsible and explosive messages" broadcast on WhatsApp. It was not specific about the preventive measures it should be taken by WhatsApp, which belongs to Facebook.

"While the law and the order of the machines takes steps to apprehend the culprits, the abuse of platforms like WhatsApp for repeated circulation" That said, WhatsApp "can not escape the responsibility and accountability. "

" The government also expressed in no uncertain terms that WhatsApp must take immediate action to end this threat and ensure that their platform is not used for such malafide activities. ", the statement said. "A deep disapproval of these developments has been pbaded on to the WhatsApp management and they have been advised that the necessary corrective measures should be taken to prevent the proliferation of these false and sometimes motivated / sensational messages."

WhatsApp stated in a "We will seriously consider proposals from any social science and technology perspective that propose projects that enrich our understanding of the problem of misinformation on WhatsApp," the Indian Express, a language daily. English quoted a WhatsApp official saying: "The situation is a public health problem that will require solutions from outside the company, including the government."

The official said the "responsibility is beyond any technology company" and "requires partners", according to the document.

"I think it's up to the Indian government to decide what is the proper mechanism for dealing with the series of killings that is occurring." Internet policy experts say that WhatsApp has not of legal responsibility and can not be held responsible for the way people use it. "But the platform is responsible for making anonymous" Pahwa said that it is impossible for WhatsApp to follow and d & rsquo; To evaluate billions of messages sent every day using its platform, "said Nikhil Pahwa, a digital rights activist and founder of a portal on technologies and social media in India.

Pavan Duggal, a cyber-expert and a lawyer, said WhatsApp must adhere to Indian laws and adopt a "more sensitive and personalized approach" for the country to reap the benefits of the vast Indian market.

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