With Ant Man and the Wasp the Marvel Cinematic Universe takes an important step – the film is the 20th MCU film released in cinemas. It also marks the official end of Phase 3 of Marvel's production, with a brief note on what will happen in Phase 4. Fans asking when Ant-Man 3 will come out could ask if the characters from the series have a place in the next phase of Marvel, since that is what will determine if there will be a third film Ant-Man .
The actor Michael Peña, who plays the former cell mate and friend of Scott Lang (aka Ant-Man) Luis, accidentally ignited the Internet in early 2018 with a statement about him. future that has been confirmed by a third Film of Ant-Man . Hype was so hard, a week later Peña spoke to USA Today for outright denying anything. "I do not work at Marvel, I'm not part of the studio," Peña said. "As I have information, more than Kevin (Feige, president of Marvel Studios), it would be really, really funny."
Actor Paul Rudd echoed the sentiment by saying to ScreenRant, "I do not know if they will do anything else with [ Ant-Man ] I do not do not really know, Marvel is very good at keeping their cards close to their chest, not just with the audience. "This did not prevent the actor from making badumptions about the direction that his or her direction might take. character in the future. Rudd says, "One of the things that distinguishes [ Ant-Man ] is all about the family, and the parents, and the kids … it seems like it's their business to family. "
Rudd is right about Marvel keeping things secret: We do not know anything about Marvel Phase 4 after the March 2019 release of Captain Marvel's back-to-the-90s The Spider-Man sequel to July 2019, and the Great Line in the Sand, Avengers 4 .Marvel will not participate in this year's San Diego Comic-Con, normally the main platform for big announcements and releases, and Kevin Feige specifically told ComicBook that "the future plan will be to make a good movie, as good movie, one after the other," adding that they are still figuring out "how to begin [those plans] … And after Avengers 4 being less suspicious about it. "
That means Ant-Man fans may have to wait until May 3, 2019 to have an official word about the smaller hero, although there is always the possibility that great characters, intrigues or information appear in Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 or its inevitable post-credit scene.And with the reputation of Tom Holland as a warning of spoilers, there is always hope that it could flip details sooner than that.
Until then, fans will have to speculate on whether Ant-Man, the Wasp, and the intriguing new section of the MCU known as Quantum Realm's integrate into Marvel's next cinematic phase.The quantum realm alone has a rich history in the Marvel universe that dates back 1945 Ant-Man but even though he plays a key role in phase 4, this does not imply e not necessarily Ant-Man or Wasp. plans.
But if is a major chance of a third film, it would be good to pay attention to Feige's statement to ComicBook regarding future films. Said director, "How they connect, how they build, all this goes back to comics. Comics did a good job." Infinity War was just a mega-event in comics in the history of mega events. "
And if the original comics and their existing stories are a rich mine of material that the MCU will not overlook, there are many exciting possibilities for Scott Lang, including joining the Avengers, fighting Dr. Doom, and become a mole for HYDRA, for beginners. Until Avengers 4 comes closer to liberation, fans of microscopic heroes will have to wait.
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