CTV means defense to Patrick Brown in defamation suit


CTV News lawyers say the network has done nothing wrong to report allegations of badual misconduct against the former leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario [19659002] In a defense filed with Patrick Brown, CTV refutes the allegations presented in a defamation. a lawsuit filed by the former Conservative leader in April. The statement was first published by Canadaland

In his statement, Brown alleges that the network and several journalists involved in the story acted maliciously and irresponsibly by publishing what he qualifies as false accusations brought by two women

CTV denies these allegations and says that Brown is not entitled to the $ 8 million in damages that he claims.

"The named defendants explicitly deny that the offending words were disseminated or published in a false and malicious manner", states the defense

. The legal battle comes months after CTV News released its initial report on alleged misconduct. Brown resigned as head of the provincial Conservatives.

A Brown lawyer says he looks forward to "pursuing this dispute on behalf of Mr. Brown and continuing his efforts to justify his reputation and seek appropriate compensation"

A spokesman for CTV says the defense will be filed Monday and that the network has no other comments.

The defense provides a window on CTV's investigation of baduality. allegations of misconduct, as well as more insight into the network process of trying to check the accounts of the two women.

According to the document, allegations were brought to the former CP24 Processing Dhanraj filing in July 2017 and November 2017.

The first piece of advice that Dhanraj received alleged that Brown had "committed some sort of 39 badual misconduct / harbadment "against an employee on Parliament Hill while he was a member of Parliament. 19659002] Finally, Dhanraj forwarded the investigation to CTV's Ottawa office, which, according to the network's release, "had more appropriate resources to pursue the story". The statement also states that the Ottawa office "had been made aware of other similar allegations about Brown" and was conducting its own investigation.

The defense argues that the CTV story was in the public interest since Brown is a politician. , at the time, was seeking to become the premier of Ontario. He also says that the network has given Brown enough time to respond to a request for comment.

Brown announced in May that he would be writing an information book on what he describes as his "political badbadination"

. ] Since the story broke out in January, Brown vehemently denied allegations, which have not been independently verified by The Canadian Press, stating that there are differences in women's stories.

Brown is currently trying to make a political comeback. He announced that he is running to become president of Peel Region.

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