The suicide of a former RCMP officer will not be the last unless the government changes the "toxic culture" of the force, according to Mountie


By The Canadian Press

Tue, 10 July 2018

OTTAWA – A former RCMP officer and spokesperson for several gendarmes says that a former member who allegedly took his life will not be the

Rob Crebader, of the Professional Association of the Mounted Police of Canada, says that the RCMP has had dozens of opportunities to change its "toxic" culture – but it does attribute many responsibilities to the federal government.

  Krista Carle, a former RCMP officer, abducted her life earlier this week. Carle and several other police officers filed a lawsuit against the RCMP in 2003, alleging badual harbadment against the RCMP
. The former police officer Krista Carle has abducted life earlier this week. Carle and several other police officers filed a lawsuit against the RCMP in 2003, alleging badual harbadment against the RCMP. Chad Hipolito / THE CANADIAN PRESS

Crebader says the government has not acted on RCMP workplace reports and accuses the government of "doing nothing" ".

Comments by the former RCMP member occur several days after Krista Carle took her life

Carle spoke out against harbadment at the RCMP in hopes of change its culture and that of other female members of the RCMP. 19659016] Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale repeatedly said that there was no tolerance for harbadment and intimidation in the RCMP and that he had clearly indicated that culture needed to change.

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